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Pietro D.
Italian Tutor 
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Language Lessons
Adult Learning

Fun Facts

I once enjoyed breakfast in Venice, had lunch in Rome, dined in Bologna, and slept in Milan, all in a single day! I guess you could say I'm a true Italian traveller.

About Me

Hello, my name is Pietro,
I’m 63 years old and
I’ll be moving to the United States from Italy next January.
I spent all my professional life in Sales and Marketing, working in the medical device sector.
I have decided to completely give a change to my life and I’m open to any new experience.


I taught English to a couple of friends and to my wife, I am proud of the results achieved


the teachers who seemed more fussy and strict to me turned out to be the best

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Italian Tutoring

I am a native Italian speaker and an excellent conversation partner, with expert proficiency in grammar and an exceptional ability to provide clear explanations of concepts.
Although I lack direct experience in teaching the Italian language, I have achieved results of which I am proud while teaching English.

Basic Computer Skills Tutoring

With over 30 years of computer expertise, I skillfully taught my 88-year-old mother to use both a computer and a phone, enabling her to stay connected with loved ones from a distance. My talent lies in simplifying complex concepts for easy comprehension.

Conversational Italian Tutoring

I am a native Italian speaker and an excellent conversation partner, with expert proficiency in grammar and an exceptional ability to provide clear explanations of concepts.
Although I lack direct experience in teaching the Italian language, I have achieved results of which I am proud while teaching English.

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