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Fun Facts

One passion that I have is exercising by weight lifting and dancing.

About Me

I am a licensed VA teacher with over 20 years of experience assisting students and helping them to exceed testing expectations.


As a teacher, I have taught in the US and overseas. In the States, I have taught at Quantico VA, for Prince William and Fairfax Counties where my end-of-course testing rate was in the scenes and passed advanced areas.


As a student I was blessed to have dedicated math and science teachers who taught me so well I earned a perfect score on the ACT.

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University of New Mexico


Regent University



University of Phoenix

Masters courses

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Math Tutoring

Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Calculus I, Calculus II Calculus III

Algebra Tutoring

Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Precalculus and trigonometry, Calculus 1m2 and 3

Biology Tutoring

College Biology 1 and 2

Chemistry Tutoring

Chemsitry 1 and 2, Analytical Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis, Biochemistry, Physical Chemistry

Science Tutoring

Biology 1 and 2 Chenistry 1 and 2 Biochemsitry, Analytical Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis, Physical Chemistry, Physics 1 and 2

Physical Science Tutoring

Chenistry 1 and 2 Biochemsitry, Analytical Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis, Physical Chemistry, Physics 1 and 2, Reading in the content area for science teachers

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Algebra 1 and 2 Precalculus and trigonometry, geometry, calculus 1,2 and 3

Middle School Math Tutoring

Algebra 1 and 2 Precalculus and trigonometry, geometry, calculus 1,2 and 3

Math Advance Tutoring

Algebra 1 and 2 Precalculus and trigonometry, geometry, calculus 1,2 and 3

Elementary Math Tutoring

Math and science teaching methods, Algebra 1 and 2 Precalculus and trigonometry, geometry, calculus 1,2 and 3

Basic Computer Skills Tutoring

MS office, microsoft word, excel, Powerpoint

Biology I Tutoring

Biology I and Biology 2

Chemistry I Tutoring

Chemistry 1 and 2 Quantitaive analysis, Biochemistry, analytical chemistry, physcial chemisyty

Chemistry II Tutoring

Chemisyty 1 and 2, quantitative analsyis, biochemistry, analytical chemistry

Education Tutoring

My overall GPA is 3.8, Teaching thinking and learning A, character development and classroom management, effective curriculum and instruction, child and adolescent growth and development, instructional strategies for at risk students, classroom management, diversity, reading in the content area, mentorship

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