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DeeOrbra (Dee) H.
Tutor for various subjects 
West Texas A&M University

Fun Facts

I live in a recreational vehicle year-round! It's like living in a small apartment. I get to see parts of the United States every year and experience different laws, cultures and experiences.

About Me

I have a Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences in Business from West Texas A&M University in Canyon, Texas. I also achieved my Master's in Accounting from the same college. I am always open to more degrees!


I have a variety of work experience from running a convenience store, being a police officer, making lots of sales, and running my own business for 20 years.


I found out in college that I have ADHD. From this experience, I have found that everyone learns a little differently! When I went back to college, I used a tutor to help me pass Algebra. I use patience, listening and logic to help clients.

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West Texas A&M University


West Texas A&M University


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Homework Coach Tutoring

I have helped my classmates understand their homework assignments and helped learn better study skills.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I received a G.P.A. of 3.0 in Freshman Composition I.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have always been an organized person. I keep a planner with me at all times, and have studied for many, many classes both in person and online. I had a tutor for Algebra and they also taught me many study skills. I took many classes at the career center on campus where they prepare you for studying.

Microsoft Excel Tutoring

I have been a user of Microsoft Excel for around 20 years. I ran my own business, which sold items online, and Excel spreadsheets were used for tracking, taxes and much more.

Reading Tutoring

I am a voracious reader. I also was a tutor in reading at a local elementary school, Northwest Elementary in Hereford, Texas. I helped students read three days a week.

Basic Computer Skills Tutoring

I am highly proficient on a Macintosh computer. I am functional on a Windows computer and I am buffing up my skills. I ran my own online selling business for 20 years. Computers were my basic tool.

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