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Catherine S.
Experienced Reading and Writing Tutor with  
The University of Houston

Fun Facts

I have a passion for ice skating, hiking, and writing. I had the privilege of taking ice skating classes when I was a kid. I managed to learn a few high-level jumps and spins. I later coached ice skating to beginner students, including a 5-year-old who took a snowplow sam I class at an ice rink in Houston, Texas. As far as writing goes, I first started to excel at writing after I kept a journal regularly since 4th grade. Initially, I was an underperforming student. With the help of great teacher

About Me

I started working as a private tutor when I was completing my English degree from houston">the houston">University of Houston. I spent almost 10 years working as a reading and writing tutor on a part-time basis at SpiderSmart Learning Center. (I taught both in person and remotely.) I work as a technical writer for a government contractor company. I previously worked as a technical writer for other government contracts, including a company that specialized in security checkpoint systems, as well as oil and gas companies. I also completed several short-term freelance contracts. Over the years, I have had several articles published online and in print. I also wrote a novel that was temporarily published as an ebook. I still write fiction on occasion as a hobby.

I grew up in New Jersey and later moved to Texas when I was 9 years old. I eventually moved back to the East Coast where I lived in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. During my time on the East Coast, I had several epic road trips with my dog. I also got to hike in the White Mountains many times. I ended up moving to Virginia recently for a new role.


As a private tutor for an Asian family in Houston, I helped 5 students improve their reading and writing skills. I helped a 4 year old learn how to read and write. I also helped an underperforming student improve his reading and writing skills. He later got accepted into an elite private school. I also helped these students with their homework and Kumon assignments.

As a reading and writing tutor at the Learning Center, I worked with students of all ages; however, I mostly worked with s


As someone who previously struggled academically, I strive to promote learning positively. I try to keep an encouraging tone with students, and when one approach does not seem to be effective, I change tutoring methods to adapt to students' learning styles. I have found that students will have an easier time writing essays and reports if I allow them to verbally brainstorm. Having them take notes on a topic before they write about it has also been an effective strategy.

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The University of Houston

English Literature

University of Houston Downtown

MS in Technical Communication


University of Massachusetts--Lowell


Graduate Coursework
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