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Fun Facts

I love to sing, play music, run and and talk about any and all things space related!

About Me

I've always loved math and science. Through undergrad, I've explored the wonders of physics, astronomy, and discovered a knack for Environmental Science, receiving an award in my final semester for "Excellence in Undergraduate Research in Earth and Atmospheric Sciences". As a young researcher, I have a strong passion for uplifting women in STEM and it has become a priority of mine to encourage underrepresented communities to pursue careers in STEM.


As a Group Leader with the BEACON Afterschool program, I had the opportunity to lead lessons and provide tutoring and HW help for K-8 students on a variety of subjects, including math/science, scratch coding, English language arts and culturally inclusive topics. I currently provide tutoring services for students regularly!


As a child, I often felt a lot of pressure to succeed, and felt extremely defeated when I failed to meet expectations. As a tutor, I like to emphasize the fun in learning and that not knowing the answer isn't a failure but an opportunity to learn something new!

"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new." - Albert Einstein

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City College of NY

Environmental and Earth Systems Science

City College of NY

Remote Sensing of Earth and Atmospheric Processes

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