Fun Facts
I still prefer using a regular number 2 pencil and paper for my notes and daily scribbles over using my iPad or phone.
About Me
I am a 28-year-old Asian/Bangladeshi male, holding a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from Queens College and works as an Outreach Supervisor for the city. My hobbies include PC building, basketball, swimming, volleyball, gaming, and I have a deep passion for technology. I am currently trying to save money for a wedding while also giving back to my city.
I have spent a lot of my High school and college days tutoring my neighbors kids along with my two younger sisters throughout their elementary and middle school days. I also partook in volunteer tutoring during my later semesters at Queens College.
I was always pressured by my parents to do well in school and I always cared about school due to their influence but the fun part of education took me a while to find using my own methods of making learning something interesting and fun. I like to ensure that learning is always approached with a positive attitude of appreciation for growing ones knowledge.
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