Fun Facts
I am an avid runner and will soon be training for my first half marathon! I believe running (or any sport for that matter) takes strong determination and stamina. Additionally, I love to ski and grew up in Syracuse, New York, so I love to watch a good college basketball game every now and then (Go orange">Orange...and Friars)!
About Me
I recently graduated from providence-college">Providence College with a degree in health policy with a minor in business. I accepted my first full-time job with The Advisory Board Company and will be working with the marketing team. I grew up in Syracuse, NY and interned in DC for a summer before deciding I wanted to pursue my career in this wonderful city. I am the oldest in my family with a younger sister and brother.
I was a mentor for a student in 5th grade. The student had learning disabilities, but we worked together to find his strengths in order for him to succeed in the class. In addition, I found the student loved chess, so each week before we started homework, he taught me new skills in chess he had learned. I also was a washington-dc">tutor my sophomore year in college for economics. One student did not speak English as their fist language, so I found unique ways to teach the material (graphs, drawings etc.).
I believe the best way to succeed with school is to take one thing at a time. With so many subjects, projects, materials, it can often be overwhelming for a student to take everything on. With a little organization and taking less on at one time, the student is bound to succeed. Moreover, I found my best way to study through college was rewriting my notes into a study guide. I understand that this may not work for some students, so I would like to find each students' best way to study.
Request Me NowProvidence College
Health Policy, minor business
Business Tutoring
I have a minor from Providence College in business. I have taken several business related courses, from general business, business law, business in the healthcare sector, and have completed each course with an A- or an A.
Communication Tutoring
I have taken two communication courses and have received an A in each of them. Moreover, I also have taken public speaking courses and debate courses and have excelled at each. I have been endorsed by the chair of my department in college for my public
Economics Tutoring
I was a former tutor in college to two students for microeconomics. In addition, I have taken general economics and economics in the healthcare sector.
English Tutoring
I have taken 2 intensive writing/reading courses at Providence College. For both classes, I received an A-. In addition, I took an intensive writing course for my Senior Seminar class mandatory for graduation. I received an A- in this course and succes
Finance Tutoring
I have taken general finance, which is regarded as one of the most challenged courses at my institution and received a B+. Moreover, I also took Finance in the Healthcare Sector and received an A- in this course.
Literature Tutoring
As a requirement for Providence College, it was mandatory to take a Western Civilization course. This course is highly intensive in literature and critical thinking. Western Civ is two years long (4 semesters) and required 6-9 books per semester to be re
Nutrition Tutoring
I have a degree in health policy. As a large part of health policy, I have researched and learned about diabetes, obesity, etc. and how eating habits contributes to the strain on the healthcare system.
Study Skills Tutoring
I have received a 3.6 overall GPA from Providence College. Some semesters I took 6 courses, which is above average course load. I have immensely successful study skills that revolve around organization, time management, rewriting of notes etc. that I wo
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