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Setachai C.
Experienced English Lit/ Writing Tutor 
California State University--Northridge
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I love tennis as much as I love literature. In fact, I want to write a story about a tennis player struggling to find love on a tennis tour circuit! I came from Thailand and have lived here for four years, and I think my English has exceeded most of the local speakers lol I like getting to know people, as I see them as individuals who deserve to have a listener of their stories, and how I can make that story more profound, intricate, and beautiful. I was good at biology, but liked English more.

About Me

I am a graduate student at CSUN with emphasis on creative writing. I have been on the Dean's List for all two years I've studied at CSUN as an undergraduate. My dream is to become an English professor and a professional fiction writer. Right now, I am working hard to become a SI teacher in CSUN Learning Resources Center, and hopefully to become a Teaching Assistant within two years time. In the future, I might proceed my dream of a PhD in English or MFA in fiction.


I used to tutor English to the high school students in Thailand, and have experience as a private tutor English to a second-language speaker in the United States in the Pierce College. Although it is a small session, I have learned to adapt the level of courses to my client's need.

I am looking forward to becoming the Supplemental Instructor at CSUN in the Fall semester this year, having been recommended by instructors in both SI position and TA program, though the process is still ongoing


My first language is not English, and I empathize with the large population of second-langauge speakers in California, with whom English literature might present as a challenge. I approach literature with fun close reading techniques that combine popular cultures with the high literary elements, broadening our understanding how the text and social ideology integrates into each other and transcends into our everyday's lives.

Writing should not be tedious, if one believes in the concerned subject

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California State University--Northridge


California State University--Northridge


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English Tutoring

I earned BA in English Literature with cumulative major GPA of 3.94. I am pursuing my Master's in creative writing at CSUN. I have published short stories and a poem in Northridge Review and received Linda Nichols Joseph scholarship for an outstanding Eng

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