Fun Facts
I have travelled to West Africa for the past 15 years, making over 40 trips. I enjoy taking people with me and introducing them to the people and culture. I also have a LARGE extended family of several cultures and skin tones, We love to hang out, play games, and EAT! My friends, kids, and grandkids keep me engaged in life and interested in hearing everyone's stories.
About Me
Although I started pursuing a degree as an educator, I finished with a Business Management & Communications degree, which I achieved while I was working as a Detective and Law Enforcement Officer. After I retired from police work, I began a new career within the Non-Profit sector, leading an international organization that helps refugees and other disadvantaged people by developing opportunities for them to help themselves.
I have a lot of life experience, successfully teaching and training persons of all ages in various interests, including Writing, English, Business, Criminal Justice, and Sociology. I taught students and adults how to write reports and papers on a variety of topics for over 15 years. I have also mentored and trained adults and youth in methods of communication, both written and oral, for many years.
I always found learning interesting and engaging, but this wasn't true for everyone. I have seen that people of all ages learn best when they understand a reason to learn and when they see what they will gain and how it will benefit them in the present or in the future. My style is relaxed but firm as needed and necessary to allow the best environment for learning and for achieving a positive educational outcome.
Request Me NowCorban University
Business Management & Communications
Communication Tutoring
B.S., Business Management and Communication 3.85 GPA
Writing Tutoring
I have over 30 years of experience in a variety of writing styles and subject matters. Reports, thesis papers, APA format, published articles, grants, etc., and have edited papers and reports for final submissions on behalf of dozens of persons.
English Tutoring
English was my major until I switched to Business. I have worked extensively with people who have English as their second language as well.
Criminal Justice Tutoring
I retired from Law Enforcement during a career that covered over 20 years working as a patrol officer, a detective, a Task Force Agent assigned to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force, an ADUSM (Acting Deputy US Marshal), Evidence Officer, and Field Training Officer.
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