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Fun Facts

I love playing volleyball and cricket. During high school I played on the school's volleyball team and loved playing volleyball all year round. However, I was forced to give it up as I moved into my college life, seeing that classes are quite a bit more intense in college. I also partake in chemical experiments in my kitchen when I have spare time - I'm a renowned baker in my family and make all the Thanksgiving meals, which consistently has not induced anyone gastric reflux...(yet)!

About Me

I am Masters student in science/california/los-angeles">Computer Science in Southern California Class of 2016. I have been a teaching assistant for about 3 years now on a wide range of Engineering based courses, Mathematics and science/california/los-angeles">Computer Science courses (undergrad level), I have tutored many students in high school in Mathematics and Physics.I teach and peer mentor numerous programming labs at my university. I enjoy helping others solve both programming and mathematical related problems.You will not get a direct answer from me.


I have worked for 2 years as a Software Engineer in Fiorano Software Technologies. I developed web applications using Java programming. During high school I tutored students in Mathematics, Statistics and Physics. I know how to explain things in an easy manner. Working for Frog tutoring will help reach out more students and helping them.


I am more of a self-learner. I went to school and explored the things that interested me. I learned most of the programming concepts myself sitting in front of computer hours and hours trying out things and understood. I read lot of books in library and spend most of the time browsing internet searching for good resources. I will prepare a strategy for every exam before attempting.

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University of Southern California

Computer Science

University of Southern California

Computer Science

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Calculus 2 Tutoring

Mastery of Calculus takes practice, and I believe your time practicing Calculus is better spent with a competent coach guiding you. It was two years ago that I passed the Calculus II exam, and since then I have helped coach dozens of students by helping t

Calculus I Tutoring

Mastery of Calculus takes practice, and I believe your time practicing Calculus is better spent with a competent coach guiding you. It was two years ago that I passed the Calculus I exam, and since then I have helped coach dozens of students by helping th

Calculus 3 Tutoring

Mastery of Calculus takes practice, and I believe your time practicing Calculus is better spent with a competent coach guiding you. It was two years ago that I passed the Calculus III exam, and since then I have helped coach dozens of students by helping

Chemistry I Tutoring

I went through college chemistry as an independent study and got A grade in my college. I can teach students how its possible.

Chemistry II Tutoring

I went through college chemistry II as an independent study and got A grade in my college. I can teach students how its possible.

College Algebra Tutoring

I went through college college algebra as an independent study and got A grade in my college. I can teach students how its possible.

Computer Science Tutoring

Computer science is cake walk for me. I have been working in this area for the past 6 years now.

Computer Science Tutoring

Computer science is cake walk for me. I have been working in this area for the past 6 years now.

Math Tutoring

It's always intuitive for me

Math Advance Tutoring

It's always intuitive for me.

Physics I Tutoring

I mastered Physics I very soon, i can share my ideas with students.

Physics II Tutoring

I mastered Physics I very soon, i can share my ideas with students.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I mastered Physics I very soon, i can share my ideas with students.

Trigonometry Tutoring

I mastered Trigonometry very soon, i can share my ideas with students.

Algebra Tutoring

I knew it before I was born!

Algebra II Tutoring

I knew it before I was born!

AP Physics Tutoring

I knew it before I was born!

Chemistry Tutoring

This is piece of cake.

Computer Science Tutoring

This is piece of cake.

Geometry Tutoring

This is piece of cake.

Math Tutoring

This is piece of cake.

Math Advance Tutoring

This is piece of cake.

Physics Tutoring

This is piece of cake.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

This is piece of cake.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Its always intuitive to me

Statistics Tutoring

This is the topic in which my analytic techniques show off.

Trigonometry Tutoring

This is the topic in which my analytic techniques show off.

Algebra Tutoring

This is the topic in which my analytic techniques show off.

Math Tutoring

This is the topic in which my analytic techniques show off.

Math Advance Tutoring

This is the topic in which my analytic techniques show off.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Piece of cake

Science Tutoring

Piece of cake

Math Tutoring

Piece of cake

Science Tutoring

Piece of cake

Study Skills Tutoring

Piece of cake

GRE Tutoring

I got a GRE score of 330 (Quant 170/170 , Verbal 160/170)

TOEFL Tutoring

I got a TOEFL score of 110 ( Speaking - 28, Listening - 27,Reading-28, Writing - 27)

C Tutoring

I have been in this area for past 6 years.

Computer Engineering Tutoring

I have been in this area for past 6 years.

Computer Science Tutoring

I have been in this area for past 6 years.

HTML Tutoring

I have been in this area for past 6 years.

Java Tutoring

I have been in this area for past 6 years.

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