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Fun Facts

One thing people love about me is that I am very helpful, and that I always try my very best to help someone. I love to have fun but I know that there's time to have fun and be a kid, and then there's time to be responsible. I am the youngest member of the family, and have moved from India to California to New York. Even though I am bad at dancing, I still love to sing and dance.

About Me

I am a senior Physics major at Adelphi University. I am currently applying to maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">columbia-university">maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">Columbia University for Chemical Engineering. I have been on the Dean's List for 4 years in a row. I have also received Extra Curricular Recognition by Adelphi for 4 years in a row. I am a hard worker, and give my 100% to any task I work on. I am very organized, and goal - oriented person. I hope to earn my Doctorate Degree from maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">columbia-university">maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">Columbia University. My ultimate goal is to become a Chemical Engineer.


As a member of the National Honor Society and Engineering Society, I had the opportunity to tutor students in Math, Science, and English in high school. Being in college, I want to not only continue to tutor other students but also want to learn things from them as well.


Since I am a minority, I was always placed in classes that had more males than females. In my classes, I was looked upon as being incapable of doing the same type of work as everyone else, and therefore I always had to work twice as hard and fully use all of my resources in order to prove myself.

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Adelphi University


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Calculus I Tutoring

I have taken Calculus I in college during my first year. I received an A in Calculus. Even in high school I received an A+ in my Calculus classes.

Calculus 2 Tutoring

I received an A- in this class. I took it over one month period during summer break. I trained myself to work twice as hard as my peers.

Calculus 3 Tutoring

I got an A+ in this course. I took this course with 2 other Advanced level college Physics classes. I got myself trained in order to remember and use the information I learned over the last few years.

Chemistry I Tutoring

Since chemistry involves some math, its interesting to me. Its challenging but at the same time fun looking at it from a different perspective. I got an A in my Chemistry course during my first year at college.

Math Tutoring

Math has always been my passion. I always enjoyed solving math problems and learning new theories. Also I never got below an A in any math class.

Organic Chemistry I Tutoring

I got a B+ in Organic Chemistry. I had to regularly study for this course because since I want to become a Chemical Engineer, I knew that I had to do well in this course.

Physics I Tutoring

I have always loved Physics, and since I'm a Physics major, and have received phenomenal grades in Physics classes, I believe that I can help my students not only understand the theories but remember them as well.

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