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Patrick T.
Enviormental scientist 
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Middle School

Fun Facts

I am a resident of Teaneck New Jersey. I am a devout jogger and was a member of the Ridgefield Memorial High track team throughout my high school career. I have an interest in cooking of all kinds though I rarely indulge in it.

About Me

I attended Ridgefield Memorial High and after graduating pursued a biology degree at NJIT. After some time studying at the New Jersey Institute of Technology I switched my major to environmental science. Now that I have finished the courses required for my degree I'm searching for a job in the field of pollution testing.


I attended Ridgefield Memorial High and after graduating began studying at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. At the New Jersey Institute of Technology I focused mainly on environmental science taking many hands on classes related to the subject.


I have found that the most important part of learning is focusing on the most basic aspects of the problem at hand in repetition. Even if one lacks a great deal of interest with enough exposure it's possible to integrate ideas into your everyday thoughts. With these base concepts integrated into everyday thoughts working up to more difficult concepts is only putting the pieces together

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New Jersey Institute of Technology

enviormental science

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Biology I Tutoring

I have taken several college level biology courses including General Biology and General Microbiology. in addition I have taken a variety of environment related courses for my major.

Elementary Statistics Tutoring

I have taken the college level elementary statistics course MATH 105. I have also touched on the subject in other math classes.

Environmental Science Tutoring

Environmental science was my field of study in college. Because of this I have taken a great deal of classes related to the subject such as EVSC 484 and EVSC 335

Geology Tutoring

I have taken CE 342 and EVSC 484 two courses strongly related to geology.

Math Tutoring

I have taken a full load of middle school level math classes. In addition to my middle school experience I also have taken several relevant college level courses. among these courses are MATH 131 and 132.

Algebra Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Biology Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Chemistry Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Geometry Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Science Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Trigonometry Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

English Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have taken courses up to college level on the subject.

MATLAB Tutoring

I have taken a course for the purpose of learning the ins and outs of Matlab CS 101. In addition I also used it intermittently in my college math classes.

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