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Teresa U.
Verified Tutor near Tampa, FL 
Arizona State University

Fun Facts

Hello, my name is Teresa Ullman and I recently graduated from Arizona State University with a degree in Cellular and Genetic Biology. When people ask me where I am from I usually have a hard time answering because my father was in the military so we traveled a lot when I was young, but I have a slight southern accent so I say that I from Mississippi because that is where I lived from 3rd grade until I was 20. I have lived in 7 states and have visited or traveled through more than half of the Uni

About Me

I am a practicing Physician Assistant for family medicine in St. Petersburg Florida.

Since I have started my academic career, I have always found that I did better in my classes if I was able to teach my fellow classmates the materials we were responsible for. In fact my first tampa">tutoring job was for a classmate in my College Algebra class. She was struggling and I told her that I would be happy to help her understand the material so that she would not just pass the class but actually be able to feel confident going into the higher levels that we both needed for our degrees. In total she and I took 5 math classes together and I am happy to report that we both received A’s in all 5 of the classes.

My tampa">tutoring philosophy is pretty simple. It goes something like this “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming swimming”…thank you Dory. I understand that at first a challenging subject can seem very overwhelming but if you just keep working on it and spending time with the information a lot of times you will find that it is a very interesting subject and that once you really understand the concepts and methods you just might come to enjoy it.

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