Fun Facts
My whole life I've been a dancer; dance and music are extremely big parts of who I am! I also come from a big Italian family that I adore, and have a younger brother who I have a really close relationship with - he struggles with some learning disabilities and has taught me so much about my own teaching styles and how to help different types of students, and he knows I want to be a teacher someday so he's always willing to give me suggestions, which I openly welcome!
About Me
I am a Junior at connecticut-state-university">Southern Connecticut State University, and I just transferred here last fall from Roger Williams University in Rhode Island and have been on the Dean's list multiple times between both schools. I am studying Secondary Education and hope to become a high school Italian teacher when I graduate - although if I were to have a second choice, I would also like to have taught English or Creative Writing. I plan to get my Master's degree within the next few years as well!
I've served as an "unofficial" connecticut/new-haven">tutor for many of my peers for the last few years. Throughout high school I helped my classmates often with their Italian, as I seemed to have a natural knack for it; I served as President of the Italian Honor Society during senior year. As for college, I'm asked to read my classmates' essays and written works almost weekly, and have done extremely well in all my writing classes. I also served as an RA and assisted many of my coworkers with formal written tasks.
One of the most important things in helping a person to learn, in my opinion, is to figure out their style; as an Education major, I know first-hand how diverse everyone's learning style can be, and it's crucial to cater to those needs as best as we can, whether we are connecticut/new-haven">tutors, mentors, or teachers. I always have a positive attitude and believe that everyone can achieve with hard work, persistence, and taking the time to find what works best!
Request Me NowSouthern Connecticut State University
Secondary Education
Music Theory Tutoring
I took 7 years of formal piano lessons when I was younger, which taught me to both sightread and write music. I participated as a member of the concert band from 5th grade until 11th grade, giving me ample opportunities to practice my playing, reading of music, and composition of my own, at times. One of the graduation requirements for my high school was to complete a senior project, and for mine I chose to work with the local middle school to compose a marching band piece they would play for our town's annual Memorial Day parade; I transposed my own version of America the Beautiful from scratch and adjusted it into 11 different parts. A fun musical fact about me is that I have perfect pitch!
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
One of the most interesting things I find about reading is how the structure of words works across multiple languages - I grew up with English as my first language and have a few years of Spanish under my belt, but my second best language is Italian, which I intend to teach someday, and learning it has actually helped me with my reading comprehension in English. Passages can be really difficult to understand sometimes, especially if students struggle with concentration while reading or with vocabulary. Not only has proficiency in another language helped me with reading comprehension, but improving my own writing has also helped me to understand how other authors construct their pieces, too!
Study Skills Tutoring
In high school I was lucky enough to receive study skill training sessions multiple times a year from my advisors, and I have carried so many of them with me to college, which has helped me a noticeable amount. I've also added to the list of skills throughout my last three years of college, as well. The world of college coursework can be daunting to students if they haven't had the chance to get a handle on study skills beforehand, but there is always time to learn new tricks!
Writing Tutoring
Writing has always been a strong subject for me and I have excelled in the area throughout my scholastic career, receiving mostly A's in each of my courses, both collegiate and in high school. I volunteer to edit essays and presentations for grammar, syntax, content, flow, and all the other essential written elements whenever I can, helping my peers and me both to grow as stronger writers.
Writing Advance Tutoring
I am able to assist students with writing on many levels, and one of those includes an advanced level of written work. With a great handle on advanced sentence structure and a moderately expansive vocabulary, I find that I can have a really beneficial presence when helping students who want to polish and refine their already adequate skills. I have also begun to edit articles for a collegiate newspaper, as well.
English Tutoring
I took Honors English for the last three of my four years of high school and thoroughly enjoyed each of my classes. They helped improve my vocabulary and taught me how to get a better handle on writing and reading comprehension. Reading books was always difficult for me, but my courses in both high school and now college have helped me to better decipher texts and now enjoy reading them!
Education Tutoring
As a third-year education major, I now have multiple courses in the field under my belt, having performed well in each of them over the last few semesters. These range from the psychology of education and the basic principles of teaching to strategies in special education and foreign language education standards. I have performed countless "field hours," or hands-on teaching hours, in five different classrooms in both Connecticut and Rhode Island combined, and am anxious to continue my work with students! Teaching is a great experience and allows the opportunity to build lifelong bonds with students, and I am eager to help anyone else who is studying the field.
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