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Samantha S.
Experienced in all subjects 

Fun Facts

One passion people quickly learn about me is that I love animals and love helping kids. Any chance i get to volunteer for a animal shelter or help kids with school subjects or homework I get excited to know I could help the community. I am the middle of 3 and I have traveled around the NY area.

About Me

I am currently working for S.C.A.N NY for after school and I also worked with them for summer camp but I’m looking for a closer location at another after school program or Tutoring job around the Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan areas. My ultimate goal is to go to college and become a Vet Technologist.


I work as a after school counselor at P.S 55 and working there has made me grow and want to help other kids learn new concepts and help them improve themselves academically. Working for frog tutoring gives me the opportunity to impact even more lives of students that need help!


As a child, I struggled in school and found learning to be difficult.I had trouble with speech but I was fortunate enough to have a teacher who, through positive encouragement and persistence, helped me realize my true potential. As a tutor, I attempt to bring this attitude to all of my sessions. Instead of giving students answers, I feel it is my responsibility to not only teach them the content, but study skills that will help them be successful in all classes!

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