Fun Facts
A few hobbies of mine include golfing, baseball, and musical theater. As of right now, I am unable to play a whole lot of golf because of the money it requires, but every once in a while I am able to go out onto the courses and enjoy the game! Also, back in high school, I was a part of the school's drama department for all four years of my education and it has shaped the way I work and my communication skills.
About Me
Currently, I am a second year student at San Francisco State University studying Applied Mathematics. At first, my major was science/california/san-francisco">Computer Science, but then I decided that it was not the path that I wanted to take in life. I am unsure what I want to do with my degree now, but I hope to attend graduate school after I obtain my B.S. and receive a Masters degree.
I was the head treasurer for my high school's drama department for two years before coming up to San Francisco to go to school. I budgeted the department's money usage and made sure that it was all going to the right place. I also use to be an assistant coach and umpire for the youth baseball program back in my hometown, so I have a lot of experience working with kids and I absolutely love it! It gives me the feeling of success knowing that I am able to successfully work with the children.
Many children, from the time that they are in elementary school have this notion that math is boring and difficult. I really wish to change that about our society because, in fact, it can be so much fun and exciting! Math is all around us, and if we can begin to get our kids to realize that the subject of math can be fun, imagine how bright their future can be!
Request Me NowSan Francisco State University
Applied Mathematics
My Summer Memories in Elementary School
As a child, I remember that summer was not much different from the regular school year for my family and I. My parents would still wake me up at 6:30 in the morning and take me and my brother...
Algebra Tutoring
Algebra is one of those mathematics subjects that students really begin to dread because it is when variables start getting introduced. I am going to be able to help the kids understand that this is an essential step in mathematics and it will come in handy in the future.
Calculus AP Tutoring
When I was a senior in high school, I saw many of my classmates struggle with Calculus AP throughout the year. Many times, I was able to help them with homework and prepare them for exams and I found that they improved greatly in the subject. I have taken the class before and know the subject very well.
Math Tutoring
Math is one of those subjects that high school students really begin to hate. I hope to change that when working with the kids that I tutor. Math is all around us and is essential going into higher education and almost any professional field of work.
Math Advance Tutoring
This subject is going to build upon the basic math skills that the kids have already developed and prepare them for higher levels of mathematics in the future. I will be able to walk them through the steps, so that they will be able to be successful on their future endeavors.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
This subject is going to build upon the basic math skills that the kids have already developed and prepare them for higher levels of mathematics in the future. I will be able to walk them through the steps of Pre Algebra so that they will be able to be successful on their future endeavors.
Pre Calculus Tutoring
This subject is going to build upon the basic math skills that the kids have already developed and prepare them for higher levels of mathematics in the future. I will be able to walk them through the steps of Pre Calculus so that they will be able to be successful on their future endeavors. I have taken Calculus 3 in college so I also have the skills to help the children succeed.
Trigonometry Tutoring
Trigonometry is where many students struggle because it begins to incorporate things that the kids have never seen before. I also struggled a bit with the subject back in high school, but now I have to skills to show the students how to properly succeed like I did when I was in the place that they are in now.
Middle School Math Tutoring
This subject is when students begin to start having a bit of trouble in mathematics and it is essential to try and keep them on track for high school level math. I will be able to teach the kids the basic skills needed for higher level math as well as help with homework or test preparation.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I have babysat kids in the past, where I was able to teach the children the essential math skills needed as building blocks for the future. These things include addition, subtraction, multiplication tables, and fractions. I also try and make it as fun for the kids as possible!
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