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Fun Facts

I'm a born teacher. I love to learn. I read voraciously and watch documentaries for fun. I am a positive and motivational person who can make any task fun and manageable.

About Me

I am married to a biologist and have two brilliant daughters, ages one and four. We spend time together hiking and camping. I hope to continue teaching as a albuquerque">tutor until both of my girls are in school at which point I plan on returning to teaching or perhaps I will go back to school and earn my PhD in Education. I would love to be a professor of education one day and train new teachers.


I have taught people ages K to adult for 15 years. For the past 10 years I have taught middle school. I'm taking a little break from that to focus on my family, but I need to keep teaching in some form to be happy. I have taught English as a Second Language to adults and children, I have taught history, writing, and reading as well. I have tutored students in math up to Intermediate Algebra. I have passed 4 AP tests, including Biology. I have even worked as a professional writer.


Make it fun! Make it real! Make it connect to the learner. People are born with a natural curiosity. Teachers need to find the pathway that connects with that innate curiosity.

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University of Utah

Bachelor of English

University of Utah

Secondary Education

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Education Tutoring

I have Masters Degree in education and have taught pupils of all ages and backgrounds for 15 years.

English Tutoring

I have a Bachelors Degree in English and taught English for 10 years. On my teaching exam, I scored in the top percentile for Language Arts. I have also worked as a professional writer.

Writing Tutoring

I have a Bachelors Degree in English and taught English for 10 years. On my teaching exam, I scored in the top percentile for Language Arts. I have also worked as a professional writer.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I have a Bachelors Degree in English and taught English for 10 years. On my teaching exam, I scored in the top percentile for Language Arts. I have also worked as a professional writer.

AP English Tutoring

I have a Bachelors Degree in English and taught English for 10 years. On my teaching exam, I scored in the top percentile for Language Arts. I have also worked as a professional writer.

I passed the AP English Composition test with a 5.

French Tutoring

I am certified to teach French. I have lived in France and I passed the Praxis teaching test for French. I would be especially good at explaining the grammar.

History Tutoring

I taught History for two years. I am one credit shy of a Social Studies endorsement on my teaching license. I am a history buff and know how to explain it and talk about it in an exciting way.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I am a motivational person. I can coach anyone through their homework.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I taught struggling readers for 7 years. I am an expert in reading strategies that help the reader focus and enjoy what they are reading.

SAT Verbal/Writing Tutoring

I have worked as a professional writer. My score for the verbal/writing section of the SAT was very high. I can't remember exactly what it was.

Study Skills Tutoring

As a teacher who has years of experience with struggling kids, I know what it takes to be successful.

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