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Maleka P.
French Tutor 
University of California--Los Angeles
High School

Fun Facts

I am an artist and that is what I am passionate about. When I have the time, I paint. In my creative writing class, I wrote 10 poems in English and I painted my feelings side by side. I know all media such as oil, pastel, and water. I am Graphic Designer as well.

About Me

I graduated from UCLA last Fall of 2014. My major was French and Francophone Studies, with a minor in Political Science. I was in the Dean's list for the year 2013. I intend to pursue further studies at UCLA, either in Law School or School of Public Health.


I was a member of the French Club at the Santa Monica College. My position at the club was Vice President. I was also a member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Club. In addition, I was a French tutor while in Santa Monica College. I continued tutoring even after I already transferred to UCLA. I was a paid French tutor but the experience was even more rewarding.


I always wanted to learn different languages and I was a fast learner. I have a good knack for new languages, and I syllabicate and pronounce words correctly. I received this positive feedback from my language instructors.

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University of California--Los Angeles

French & Francophone Studies

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French Tutoring

While I was in Bangladesh, I went to French Language School, Alliance Française until I left at eighth grade to immigrate in the United States of America. Most of the time I received très bien, and bien in my class. No letter grade was used in French School. Grades were like très bien (very good), bien ( good), assez bien( fair enough), and passable( passable). We had both written and oral examinations to pass the class.

French I Tutoring

I did most of my upper and lower French classes in the French Language School, Alliance Francaise. Since I was doing advanced French, when I went to High School or Middle School, I no longer needed to take up French. French was quite easy for me.

French II Tutoring

This was also already covered from going to French Language School. It was easy for me no matter what level of French class I was in.

Math Tutoring

I always was afraid of math. One day said to myself that this is nothing rocket science. If other student can do I can do as well. I also realized that may be I am not focusing on it very much. I started doing one thing which is “I started to read the book very well and practiced all the sample math given in each chapter." I then figured out that all are same and simply digits are different. I found one out of ten hard one which is for smart students. In every subject Instructors keep 25% easy questions, 50% to 75% for average students and rest for outstanding students. After that day I even could help student with almost all types of math except hardcore science stuff.

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