Fun Facts
I love swing dancing, basketball, tennis, singing (I sing Latin chants in my church's Schola Cantorum) running, and lifting weights. Next year I'll be captaining the CU swing dance team (the Jitterbuffs) in hopes of taking home a third consecutive Intercollegiate Swing Battle Championship.
About Me
I'm a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder; I'm studying Math, Philosophy, and Economics, and I'm shooting for a certificate in actuarial studies. I have a 3.99 GPA and I've been on the Dean's list every semester. As an RA last year, I learned to guide students through college with goal setting and mentorship, and to communicate with a diverse group of students. I'm working as an intern analyst at an insurance company this summer, but I promise I still have a personality.
Although I have little formal denver">tutoring experience, I've worked with my little brother, the residents on my floor, and classmates through their math, philosophy, and economics studies. During the school year, my brother and I would Skype for a few hours every week to work though his pre-calculus coursework. I've been a leader and a mentor in campus ministry, tennis, track and field, and (my favorite) swing dancing.
G.K. Chesterton said "It isn't that they can't see the solution. It is that they can't see the problem." The first, and often overlooked, step to solving a problem in any discipline is to understand the problem: the concepts involved, the tools we have to solve it, and the way an answer ought to look. I want my students to have a complete understanding of the concepts at hand: never should they stop asking questions just to avoid looking slow. No matter the pace, we'll achieve our goals.
Request Me NowUniversity of Colorado, Boulder
Math, Philosophy, Economics
Calculus I Tutoring
As a Math major, I've completed Calculus I-III. I took AP Calculus BC in high school and got a 5 on the AP exam, with a an AB subscore of 5. I've tutored my brother in elementary calculus. In college, I received an A in Analysis I, a class which provided a rigorous treatment of the theorems of single variable calculus.
Calculus 2 Tutoring
As a Math major, I've completed Calculus I-III. I took AP Calculus BC in high school and got a 5 on the AP exam. I've tutored my brother in elementary calculus. In college, I received an A in Analysis I, a class which provided a rigorous treatment of the theorems of single variable calculus.
Calculus 3 Tutoring
I took, and got an A in, Calculus III my freshman year of college.
College Algebra Tutoring
I am thoroughly acquainted with college algebra. I use algebra on a daily basis in my math coursework. I have also tutored my brother in his algebra II classes. I took, and got an 'A' in, linear algebra, a class which provided some theoretical background for understanding algebra.
Economics Tutoring
I am an economics major at CU. I've taken, and received As in, principles of microeconomics and macroeconomics, intermediate macroeconomic and microeconomic theory, and statistics.
Macro Economics Tutoring
As an economics major, I have taken principles of macroeconomics and intermediate macroeconomic theory. I got As in both these classes, and I took them my sophomore year, so they are fresh in my memory.
Math Tutoring
As a math major, I've taken (and received As in) calculus I-III, discrete math, analysis I, and linear algebra. I also have some statistics background from my studies in economics.
Math Advance Tutoring
As a math major, I've taken (and received As in) calculus I-III, discrete math, analysis I, and linear algebra. I also have some statistics background from my studies in economics.
Micro-Economics Tutoring
I've taken principles of microeconomics and intermediate macroeconomic theory, and I received As in both.
Philosophy Tutoring
I am a philosophy major: I've taken, and received As in, symbolic logic, philosophy and law, mathematical logic, history of modern philosophy, philosophical writing, history of ancient philosophy, and Thomas Aquinas. I've attended three Intercollegiate Studies Institute colloquia (in Seattle, Baltimore, and Casper) at which I studied and debated political philosophy.
Pre Calculus Tutoring
I got an A in pre-calculus in high school, and have since completed (with As) calculus I-III. Last year I would spend a few hours every week Skyping my brother and helping him understand pre-calculus.
Trigonometry Tutoring
I got an A in trigonometry in high school, and--it being one of those subjects that never seems to go away in math--I remain well acquainted with it.
Algebra Tutoring
I took algebra I in middle school and algebra II in high school, receiving As in both classes. Since then, I have used algebra on a daily basis in my math coursework. I have also tutored my brother in his algebra II classes. I took, and got an 'A' in, linear algebra, a class which provided some theoretical background for understanding algebra.
Algebra II Tutoring
I took algebra II in high school and received an A. Since then, I have used algebra on a daily basis in my math coursework. I have also tutored my brother in his algebra II classes. I took, and got an 'A' in, linear algebra, a class which provided some theoretical background for understanding algebra.
Calculus Tutoring
As a Math major, I've completed Calculus I-III. I took AP Calculus BC in high school and got a 5 on the AP exam. I've tutored my brother in elementary calculus. In college, I received an A in Analysis I, a class which provided a rigorous treatment of the theorems of single variable calculus, giving me a deeper understanding of the concepts at play.
Calculus AP Tutoring
I took AP Calculus AB and BC in high school: I got a 5 on the BC exam with an AB subscore of 5. In college, I received an A in Analysis I, a class which provided a rigorous treatment of the theorems of single variable calculus, giving me a deeper understanding of the concepts at play in calculus.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
As a math major, I am thoroughly acquainted with all material covered in a pre-algebra course. I need to use properties of arithmetic, ratios, absolute values, etc. on a daily basis in my coursework and can communicate these concepts effectively.
Religion Tutoring
I consider myself qualified to tutor Catholic theology and Thomistic philosophy. I am well versed in the scriptures (I took a weekly scripture class in high school and an honors class on the bible in college--I got As in both classes), the catechism, and apologetics. I spent a semester of my sophomore year of college studying Thomas Aquinas (I got an A in the class), and especially the Summa Theologiae.
Middle School Math Tutoring
I am a math major with a 4.0 math GPA, and I use the skills introduced in a middle school math on a daily basis in my math coursework.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I am a math major with a 4.0 math GPA, and I use the skills introduced in a middle school math on a daily basis in my math coursework.
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