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Ugochukwu U.
Experienced math and science teacher 
High School
Elementary School
Test Prep

Fun Facts

I love playing chess.

About Me

I just graduated with Masters in Public Health from connecticut-state-university">Southern Connecticut State University. I ultimate goal is to work in the field of healthcare


I had tutored students for a few months after graduating with masters degree


I believe that students learn more when they are taught the proper study skills and are guided through practice exercise session after each teaching encounter.

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Southern Connecticut State University


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Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring

I studied medicine as my first degree. I did the basic medical sciences such as Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathology and Pharmacology. I have taught medical students these course in the past (in informal settings)

Science Tutoring

I studied medicine as my first degree. I have a strong foundation in Biological sciences. I have taught premedical students these course in the past (in informal settings)

GRE Tutoring

I am very conversant with the use of Microsoft word. I have been using it for close to 15 years now. I am an advanced user.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I worked as a graduate assistant in my graduate studies and I used Microsoft Word and other Microsoft Office tools extensively. I am able to adapt and learn new software packages.

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