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Jared F.
Study Counselor and Well-Rounded Student 
University of Missouri

Fun Facts

I like to enjoy life and I believe that in order to get joy I must make good decisions for me and to be sure those decisions also are ones not likely to lead to any pain and suffering for myself and/or others.

About Me

I'm a 27-year-old White Man. I've been in studying my entire life. In December I will graduate from UMKC with a Masters in Counseling with dual emphasis in schools and mental health. I received a BA in Psychological Sciences from MU. I am currently looking for a job as a school counselor in Kansas City, Missouri.


I have had an easy time earning good grades in every class I've ever taken, so I know how to earn the grade. The reason I am so helpful in helping others earn the grade is because I am great at listening, communicating, and making everything seem so simple. I have a brother who is five years younger than me. I have assisted my brother with completing homework and preparing for tests in many different classes over the course of his academic career.


My approach is to first grasp exactly what the objective is, relax, think about it, and then use resources to come up with the correct or best answer(s). I will show students a great way to do work efficiently and effectively. If my way doesn't fit the student, then I will adapt to a method that does. I am able to recall many appropriate ways to solve different equations, construct papers, and find information. There are many tools at my disposal that are very helpful to the students.

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University of Missouri


University of Missouri Kansas City


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Psychology Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Sociology Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Algebra Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Algebra II Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

English Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Math Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Writing Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Math Advance Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Elementary Math Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

Social Studies Tutoring

I have many credits in this content. I received good grades for those credits. I took these classes at a good school.

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