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Maria A.
Verified Tutor near Los Angeles, CA 
Texas Christian University
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I am a very laid back person and really easy to get along with. I like to laugh and have a good time with friends and loved ones and up for any activity that comes up. My favorite hobby is dancing but I always like to try new things.

About Me

I am a recent graduate from TCU with a major in Communication Studies and a Minor in Art. TCU was a great undergraduate career and was a lot of fun but I hope to get my masters in the near future in Human Resources. I study hard to play hard! :)

Throughout my undergraduate career I worked as a tutor to help motivate high school students with their studies and be a mentor who they could look up to by sharing my experience in getting into TCU. I volunteered at the the Boys and Girls Club helping small kids with their homework as well as worked for their after school program, Upward Bound at Lakeworth High School. This experience was a more one on one session with kids who needed the help on a specific subject. I also worked for the AVID program at Paschal High School doing group tutoring. This was a little different than one on one because it was encouraging to not only help them understand a particular subject but also guiding my designated group to work together and reach a solution as a team.

Growing up, when I struggled with a particular subject, it was hard for me to speak up because I was very timid. Teachers did not always try to reach out to those who were quiet and assumed they knew the material. My childhood has inspired me to do anything I can to help out the "little me", those who are timid and are afraid to ask questions. I try to make a connection with each student so that they feel comfortable asking questions and what they may need help on. Of course I keep a boundary line with them being too comfortable and treating me as a friend opposed to as a professional tutor helping them with their studies. When working with them in a particular problem, I like to show them an example and write down steps they can follow so they can have them as notes and aid their note taking skills. I make sure they have understood the lesson by them performing the problem with little aid from me.

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