Fun Facts
I studied in india's top boarding school for 8 years of my life. Lived and studied around international students from 35 different countries. I love traveling and getting to know people from different cultures. I'm the oldest son from a business family back in sri lanka. Grew up traveling with my parents around the world and love trying new cuisines. I did rowing in my boarding school while also playing a variety of other sports. Have future goals of becoming an investment banker.
About Me
I am a Sri Lankan international student studying Economics at San Francisco State University. Have interned at investment banks and start ups these past 3 years. I plan to do a study aboard after the next in year in Japan and then when I graduate I hope to attend HFC Paris for my MBA and Masters. My ultimate goal is to become an Investment banker and then a professor to help raise the next generation of economists. My role models are Geogre Soros, Paul Tudor Jones and Elon Musk.
As an individual from a business family I have grown up with the business and investment culture deeply intergated into me. I have worked in teams that have handled multi million dollars to close to a billion dollar investment deals and projects, mostly forcusing on green investments or environment freely projects like wind and hydro powerplants to harbor projects. I have research with many prominent people in their repective fields on investments that would give our investors the lead.
As a dyslexic that went through school knowning the difficults that students in my condition face. I am to glad to say that I over came my difficults and wish to help other students face similar difficults studying Economics. I would love to show students the beauty of economics and get students interested in economics. So that they wilm grow up to be holistic citizens that are aware of their country's situation and not ignore it.
Request Me NowSan Francisco State University