Fun Facts
Since early childhood I was a visual artist, so basically painting and sketching are some of the things that occupy my free time. During the years of High School, I was on the tennis team, in my opinion it is always important to balance physical and intellectual activities. Another fun fact would be that out of all literature, my favorite kind to read is Russian Classics.
About Me
Although I mentioned my passion for art in the "Fun Facts" section, I am actually a junior pre-medical student, who is aspiring to become an ophthalmologist (eye doctor) in the future. I study biology as a major at Hunter College (City University of New York) and minor in Politics.
I am a part of teaching organization caller Peer Health Exchange, where we, the unpaid volunteers, conduct health workshops at High Schools. We teach teenagers the skills and knowledge of making informed health decisions. Two workshops are conducted on weekly basis, and there are also weekly mandatory meetings for us, educators, to advance in our teaching technique.
My approach as a teacher would be to start from the very beginning, the basic concepts that will compose a firm ground for the future material. Organic chemistry ideas always build up on top of one another, therefore, it is essential to have a good understanding of every concept. After the theory is made clear, we will move on to practicing problems and even most difficult cases that are to be provided by me.
CUNY--Hunter College
Organic Chemistry I Tutoring
I have completed Organic Chemistry I course during the fall of 2014, and the experience that I had with the subject is still very fresh in my memory. While I was studying organic chemistry in college, my professor conducted workshops on weekly basis, during which we had to present assigned problems to the entire class. This was intended to develop our skills of teaching the subject to others as we were learning it for ourselves, having such experience of teaching the entire class should definitely help in tutoring.
Organic Chemistry II Tutoring
I completed Organic Chemistry II during the Spring of 2015, which is very recent in time. The course was more intense than Organic ! but not less enjoyable. The same semester, I had to take the American Chemical Society standardized exam for the subject that I was more than prepared for.
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