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Fun Facts

I love traveling because I love learning about other people, other cultures... I am passionate about how we are different ! I really like knowing more things about history in all those different countries. We all have a different view of the different events that happened in the past. It is amazing to hear about it differently, like World War 2 for the European and the citizens of the United States is different. All around the world there are people who lived differently, I love seeing it.

About Me

I am a junior Biology major, going for Medical school after that. Actually I am studying at the University of New Orleans. I do not know where I will go next for my medical school because I will go wherever I can. My dream is to become a heart surgeon, I said that I wanted to be a doctor for the fist time when I was 7 years old. I am not going to give up anything because now I am 25 years old and I still have the same idea. I see myself helping people getting trough sickness and get better.


When I was in Senior High School back to France, where I am originetly from I used to tutor 4 to 5 hours a week. I helped in any classes that the teenager needed to: English, math, biology, chemistry, French, history, geography, physics and geology. French educational system is slightly different than here but tutoring is the same. I also tutored a girl in 8th grade this past spring mostly for French, math and biology 2 hours a week. I love to help people with their classes.


I think that every person is different so the approach needs to be different for every child or teenager you are helping. I learned that trough my different experiences. One thing I really believe is that you are a tutor, not a teacher you are here to help learning and understand what they struggled to do with their teachers, I usually laugh with them while learning because it is helping a lot. At the end they remember what you talked about and they also want to see you again to help them.

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University of New Orleans


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Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring

I took anatomy and phisiology when I started college in the United Stated, my English was not really good so it was a little hard but I got trough it with a B.

Biology I Tutoring

Biology is my major, it is one of the most interesting class for me. I took it and had a 4.0.

Biology II Tutoring

I took Biology II in spring and I can help with it. It is not that easy because it is more about other organisms than humans as the sea life, the plants, the fungi and others.

Chemistry I Tutoring

I really like helping in chemisrty because chemistry is not that hard when you understand. If people need help I would love to do so. I had an A in that class.

College Algebra Tutoring

I can explain and help doing homework. With mathematics the best way to learn is to exercise and can even make up exercise.

French Tutoring

I was born and raise in Marseille, France. I am a native French speaker. I did all my scolarity over there until Senior high school.

French I Tutoring

French is kind of my speciality because it is my first language.

French II Tutoring

Well French has no secret for me or may be that I do not know. It is easier to speak French and write French for me than English. Well may be not anymore but French makes sens to me and I can help with it.

Math Tutoring

Mathematics in general are classes that I like by their complexity some times but I know sometime we can struggle with it. I am here to help.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I took pre calculus and was scared because everybody was saying it was hard, I had a B but I was at the beginning of my English learning phase, it was hard for me to learn math in English at first. Now it does not have secret for me.

Spanish I Tutoring

I took Spanish last year during the fall and it is not that different to French they use similar rules for conjugaison and other things as gender, I can be a good help for it.

Trigonometry Tutoring

Trigonometry can be hard at some point but it is not about learning only but about exercising, I can give good advises on how to process and also what to do to achieve those exercises.

Algebra Tutoring

Mathematics in general are classes that I like by their complexity some times but I know sometime we can struggle with it. I am here to help.

Algebra II Tutoring

Some teenagers are having a hard time learning math because they do not like it. Since I was a little kid I loved it. I like to fight hard even more when I have a hard time. I was usually in competition with one other person to be the first of my class.

Biology Tutoring

Biology is fascinating that what I want to help people to understand. I would like to transmit the joy of learning biology.

Chemistry Tutoring

I have always been interested in all the chemicals reactions. Sciences are related so how can I love one and not the other.

Geometry Tutoring

Geometry is sometimes tricky but when you know how to procede to solve the problems it becomes easier. I really enjoyed drawing figures and calculated angles or perimeter.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Well homeworks usually are hard because people are struggeling with understanding the problem. I am willing to help on how to process with homeworks in general.

Math Advance Tutoring

At that age I think the importance is to help teenagers understanding the importance of math as well as helping them to learn how to work with mathematics.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I can explain and help doing homework. With mathematics the best way to learn is to exercise and can even make up exercise.

Science Tutoring

I can help in all sciences. I am majoring in Biology and having A's in most of those classes. My goal is to become a doctor so I do love sciences and hope to pass my love for those classes to the others.

Elementary Math Tutoring

At that age I think the importance is to help children understanding the importance of math as well as helping them to learn how to work with mathematics.

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