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Talha H.
Math Tutor 
Indiana University-Purdue University--Ind
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

What people love about me is how I can make them feel comfortable around me using soft skills. I love playing, watching and talking about soccer. And some other sports as well.

About Me

I am a Grad Student in IUPUI doing Electrical and Computer Engineering. I have done my undergrad in Electronics Engineering. I am basically from Pakistan and have been travelling alot my whole life, which has given me the power of having a different perspective.


During my college years and before that, I have always had the talent of delivering what I have learnt fully to my colleages and fellow juniors. I want to follow that by teaching to students.


Practicing has always been my priority since I started studying. I approach people by explaining to them all I know and noting what I don't to understand those topics from a different book or a professor.

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Indiana University-Purdue University--Ind

Masters in Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Algebra Tutoring

Preliminary Algebra, Grade 9th, A, Taught fellow juniors at the School Academy.
Algebra, Grade 10th, A, Taught class fellows at the School Academy.
Advanced Algebra, Grade 9th, A, Taught fellow juniors at the School Academy.

Geometry Tutoring

Preliminary Geometry, Grade 9th, A, Taught fellow juniors at the School Academy.
Geometry, Grade 10th, A, Taught class fellows at the School Academy.
Advanced Geometry, Grade 9th, A, Taught fellow juniors at the School Academy.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

Preliminary Calculus, Grade 9th, A, Taught fellow juniors at the School Academy.
Calculus, Grade 10th, A, Taught class fellows at the School Academy.
Calculus 2, Grade 9th, A, Taught fellow juniors at the School Academy.

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