Fun Facts
All throughout school, I made it a point to get involved and lead an active lifestyle. I joined the volleyball team in middle school and later was competing for my high school swim team. My summers were always filled with preparations for children camps.These camps challenged me to give myself to those whom I was serving. Among my many interests I enjoy traveling more than anything else. I can write on and on about the many ways in which traveling has opened my eyes see to the rest of the world!
About Me
I am in my third year at Sacramento State University. I am majoring in Liberal Studies with a minor in TESOL (Teaching English to Students Of Languages). I am really excited about becoming a teacher as it has been my dream since my elementary years! My ultimate goal is to show children that learning, aside from being important can also be enjoyable!
I have been a Sunday School teacher for the past five years. At one point, I worked in a day care aiding preschool children in becoming familiar with letters and numbers. During recent summers I went abroad to serve in a Christian camp at an Orphan school in Russia. I have also been involved with Christian camps in my local church as well as in Moldova, and Ukraine. Last Semester I completed over forty hours in a fifth grade classroom as a teachers assistant.
My biggest academic struggle as I went through school was learning how to write. I would sit for many frustrating hours only to write C-grade papers. With the help of a passionate teacher, I was able to persevere through this struggle and today, writing is not only much simpler, but also quite enjoyable. I can understand students for whom writing is a nightmare as it once was for me. Since writing is essential in any subject field, I feel obligated to help these students succeed.
Request Me NowCalifornia State University, Sacramento
Liber Studies
English Tutoring
Good English grammar is a huge advantage for future success. Being competent in this area myself, I want to help other student succeed as well. I view grammar as a puzzle which fits so perfectly and neatly together and forms a much bigger picture. I want to help students solve this puzzle piece by piece making it clear for them to see that big picture.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
As a liberal studies major it is my repressibility to not only teach students how to read quickly, but also to be able to comprehend what they are reading. There is often a misbalance between the two strategies, but I believe that with some guidance, any student can reach their potential.
I strive to seeing that potential being met!
Writing Tutoring
Many students graduate high school without ever having learned how to properly write a good paper. Writing was once a nightmare for me as well, but having persevered, I long to help other students excel. After all, writing is one of the most important strategies in pursuing a higher education as well as in other areas of life.
Math Tutoring
The importance of building a strong foundation in elementary level math cannot be underestimated. It is the basic foundation on which all higher levels of math must build off of. I do everything I can to make sure that the student has a solid understanding of the math subject. I find a special approaches to every student to match their learning style be it visual, auditory or kinesthetic!
Elementary Math Tutoring
The importance of building a strong foundation in elementary level math cannot be underestimated. It is the basic foundation on which all higher levels of math must build off of. I do everything I can to make sure that the student has a solid understanding of the math subject. I find a special approaches to every student to match their learning style be it visual, auditory or kinesthetic!
Study Skills Tutoring
I understand that elementary students have a very short attention span and little patience for study. However learning this discipline as an elementary student is vital to future success. I want to aid students in learning how to focus when the are completing their homework. Also I want to teach them certain study skills that have helped me in the past and continue to be effective for me today as an undergraduate at CSUS.
Piano Tutoring
I have taken private piano lessons for about five years. I would enjoy guiding students who are only beginning to learn how to play the piano. This includes learning how to play different scales, learning the proper hand form and posture and learning how to read notes.
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