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Fun Facts

I love music ,bible study . I teach hymns in church for 15 years

About Me

I graduated from medical school and I am teaching anatomy , physiology at Carrington college. I am studying master in public health (epidemiology and statistics)


Anatomy and physiology instructor at Carrington college since 09/2017


I help students use their minds through interactive activities and genius quizzes . I help them remember difficult things in science or anatomy through mnemonics. I was professional in doing mnemonics for anatomy during my university degree.

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Bachelor of Medicine

Walden University

Master of public health

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Advance Statistics Tutoring

During master of public health, I studied 2 courses on how to use SPSS in statistical analysis.

Biology I Tutoring

I have volunteered to teach biology in my local community church to help undeserved children. I studied biology in my medical school with excellent grade which means A+

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