Fun Facts
I was born and raised in the City of Chicago, but I love to travel and have been all over Europe, Africa and Asia. I hope someday to ride the Trans-Siberian Railroad through Russia. I am also fluent in French and lived in Cameroon, West Africa for three years. I taught English at the high school level and worked in youth development and teacher training with the U.S. Peace Corps.
About Me
I am a recent graduate from DePaul University's School of Education. I have a master's in Education with a major in Counseling Psychology. I hope someday to work in a high school as a counselor. My special interests include academic and career counseling.
I taught English at the high school level for three years in French-speaking Africa. I tutored most of my students after school as well in English and have continued this work with recently-arrived refugees with both World Relief and Heartland International. I also tutored adults in basic computer literacy. While an undergraduate at georgetown-university">Georgetown University, I worked as a GED chicago">tutor for women recovering from substance abuse or who had been victims of domestic violence. As a high school student, I worked with my school's chicago">tutoring group and acted as a chicago">tutor/mentor to a student at the local grade school and through the neighborhood Boys and Girls Club.
Every student learns differently and I believe it is my responsibility as a chicago">tutor to find out how and work with my student's learning style. I also believe in helping my students find motivation for learning. Too often, students are required to learn something without knowing why or what role that knowledge will play in their lives. I constantly wish someone had told me, in high school, that I would use excel spreadsheets and algebra on a daily basis as an English teacher. I would have paid more attention. Helping a student find motivation for acquiring knowledge is the best way to guarantee the student will retain it.