Fun Facts
I grew up performing in high school musicals. I can swing dance. I am a middle child with two sisters. I love typewriters and own two.
About Me
I am a Poetry MFA graduate student at maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">columbia-college-chicago">maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">columbia-college">maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">Columbia College Chicago. I recently moved to Chicago from Arkansas.
My goal is to become a college professor of creative writing.
In college, I started a study group to help friends through Calculus, and I graded Calculus homework. Prior to moving, I had a data analyst job which utilized math and problem-solving skills in real-world settings. This experience has made me a strong communicator of logical and critical thinking.
Throughout my education, I’ve found the most successful teachers have been positive, engaging, and passionate. As a chicago">tutor, I seek to emulate those models by truly listening to my students and utilizing a variety of teaching
methods to find the one that works with a particular type of learner. My ultimate goal is to provide a student
with motivation and confidence about a particular subject—providing them the tools to succeed in the future.