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Fun Facts

"A goal is a dream with a deadline" (Napoleon Hill). Personal growth is a priority of mine as I see everything in life as a positive opportunity. Hence, do not expect anything less than uplifting from me. From 1st to 10th grade, I was a special education student. One of my favorite video games is League of Legends. I'm also the oldest of five. Although I'm nowhere near fluent, I can speak, read, and write in Japanese.

About Me

I have two Bachelors degrees from UMBC in Physics and Mathematics with a Honors College certificate. I am also a Summa Cum Laude graduate from The Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC) and received their Outstanding Math Student award. I currently work full time programming telepresence robots and IoT communications as a Software Engineer. My life goals are to obtain a PhD in Computational Physics and become financially independent via residual income within 5 years.


A large part of my experience at CCBC consisted of being a peer tutor at the Student Success Center. I committed 15 hours per week tutoring every math and physics course offered. After transferring to UMBC, I continued my service to my peers in the physics department. In addition, I volunteered as a math liaison at the LET'S GO Boys and Girls program in Callaway Elementary in which I helped inspire the STEM minds of the students.


Throughout my childhood, I had challenges learning in regular classrooms, so I was placed in small special education programs. Thus, I never felt I had a direction anywhere. I didn't discover my latent ability until a certain physics teacher in high school opened the door to a illustrious yet mysterious universe to me. Through mentorship, he helped guide me to my goals with enthusiasm and compassion. I emulate his nature in my tutoring, for I know that everyone can achieve success.

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University of Maryland, Baltimore County


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Calculus I Tutoring

My grade in Calculus I was an A, and it was the first math course I've taken when I began my college career. I don't find it difficult to tutor the subject to non-STEM majors. It is a subject that is second nature to me because it is an essential tool in solving many physics equations in my major. Derivatives are used for finding what is happening to an object/system at an instantaneous point in time. I'm very visual with describing its concepts, and I can offer practical meaning to help with understanding.

Calculus 2 Tutoring

My grade in Calculus II was an A. It is a subject that is second nature to me because it is an essential tool to solving many physics equations in my major. The challenge in Calculus II is recognizing patterns when solving complicated integrals, but I can help make them simple. I'm very visual with describing its concepts, and I can offer practical meaning to help with understanding.

Calculus 3 Tutoring

My grade in Calculus III was an A. To me, the art of tutoring this subject is to be as visual as possible. It's a very useful course to me because it deals with multi-dimensional spaces rather than just a 2-D plane. In my major, I use concepts from Calculus III to solve many problems with electric and magnetic fields.

College Algebra Tutoring

Algebra is the fundamental tool in solving any math/physics equation in my major. Without knowing how to get that 'x' by itself, it's impossible to figure out how many apples Timmy ate.

Math Tutoring

As a former peer tutor from CCBC, I have mastered all courses in basic math. Over 70% of the courses I tutored were in introductory arithmetic to basic algebra. Many clients that I had varied in skill, but the end result was overall improvement and success.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I have never formally studied Pre-Calculus as a course because I tested out of it when I transitioned into community college. 90% of a typical calculus problem is algebra and trigonometry, so this subject is far from useless. I'm very thorough when tutoring this subject, for any gaps here will become great obstacles when continuing education in higher math. No physics model can be solved without skills in pre-calculus.

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