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Fun Facts

One fun fact about me is that I love to learn about everything around, but most importantly I LOVE to read. I'm reading news articles, in fact my favorite news outlet today is QUARTZ, which all the cool, exciting news about economics and politics today. I also love to read classic novels, and one my favorite novels I recently read is All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren.

About Me

I am a senior Biology major at Santa Clara University. I plan on achieving a masters degree in Biology before entering the medical field. My ultimate goal is to become a family practitioner.


I have worked with children for about two summers at a science camp and everyone I knew has always recognized that I am pretty good at helping others in their studies.


When I was a teenager, I was really frustrated with the way that information was dryly presented to me in the classroom, and it sort of left me less motivated to learn and excel. But, I would use the internet as my resource to look up things I did not know about biology, which would expand my interest even more in this field.

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Anatomy Physiology I Tutoring

I have taken both anatomy and physiology in college

Chemistry I Tutoring

Taken the course at a collegiate level

Organic Chemistry I Tutoring

Taken the course at a collegiate level

Organic Chemistry II Tutoring

Taken the course at a college level

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I have taken math courses (algebra and calculus) at a local community college in high school, and i have taken integral calculus in college as well to fulfill major requirements

Algebra II Tutoring

Taken at a local community college and received high marks

AP Chemistry Tutoring

I have taken Chemistry up to the Organic Level in college due to my major

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Taken in middle school

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