Fun Facts
One passion people quickly learn about me is my love for Chicago sports teams. I grew up watching Michael Jordan and enjoy watching every Bulls, Blackhawks, and Bears game possible. I enjoy playing sports as well such as Lacrosse, Boxing, and Basketball.
About Me
I recently graduated from Loyola University Chicago where I majored in History and Secondary Education. In February 2013 I will receive my certification to teach high school History in Illinois. My ultimate goal is to become a full time high school teacher and then pursue a P.H.D. in Education Policy. One day I would like to work at the University level and write education policy for CPS Schools.
I have extensive experience in the Tutoring/Education field. Through Loyola I have done observation hours and worked with students at Lincoln Park High School and Alcott High School. In addition I student taught for four months at Bronzeville Scholastic Institute on 49th Street and Wabash. At Bronzeville I took over all teaching responsibilities for 15 weeks and taught five high school classes including US History, Ethnic Studies, and Economics to various grade levels. I currently work at Mather High School on Chicago's North side. I am an AVID Tutor and work three days a week with a professional teacher. My responsibilities include overseeing tutoring sessions in various high school subjects, grading tutorial sheets and weekly binder checks, and chaperoning field trips.
My approach to the tutorial process involves guided inquiry methods used by professional teachers to maximize student learning. This means that I do not believe in ever simply giving students an answer because that does not guarantee they understand HOW to get that answer. Guided inquiry involves deep questioning to lead the student to the correct answer in tandem with the resources they have available to discover a solution to what they are struggling with. This serves to maximize student comprehension as well as create a responsibility and self-reliance for the students own learning.