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Fun Facts

If I'm not travelling or spending time with my friends, I will enjoy reading books or watching documentaries. One day I would hope to make my own documentary or host my own TED Talk.

About Me

I am a second year law student at Washington and Lee School of Law. When I graduate I hope to work as an attorney in Atlanta.


Throughout high school and undergrad I worked as a mentor and atlanta">tutor to younger students.

I understand how it feels to be lost in a class, or to not feel academically adequate. I want all students to feel confident in what they are learning. This is why I am eager to join Frog atlanta">tutoring.


I believe that in order for students to learn they first have to believe in themselves. I hope that I can develop confidence within each student I atlanta">tutor. Confidence to know that they are capable, they are smart, and that all they have to do is apply themselves efficiently.

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Georgia State University

Political Science

Washington and Lee University


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Political Science Tutoring

This was my major and I maintained an A average in these courses

Religion Tutoring

Got an A in this course

Writing Tutoring

I worked as a writing tutor

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