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Fun Facts

I have a variety of interests. I enjoy digital photography, digital art, dance, and music. I am currently learning how to play a derbuka (pronounced dur-bu-kah), which is an Arabic drum used in belly dance and Middle Eastern music. I also bellydance. I have taken photos for weddings, bands, and will soon be assisting a model with developing a portfolio. Cooking and gardening are other interests of mine.

About Me

I am a recent graduate from memphis-college-of-art">Memphis College of Art's Master of Arts in Art Education program (MAArtEd). I am interested in developing lessons for online visual arts programs that integrate other content areas like science, social studies, history, ELA, etc. I have a MAIS from Union University in teaching English as a second language (TESL), and a Bachelor's of Arts from the memphis">University of Memphis in foreign languages with a concentration in Spanish.


As a graduate student at Union University, I had the privilege of working as a private teacher on behalf of the athletics department for students preparing for the TOEFL by teaching them English. I worked with a total of three students, one each semester. I completed a teaching practicum in Crockett County, TN for middle school ELLs. I taught elementary level ESL for grades K-2 for a total of four years with Memphis City/Shelby County Schools.


I believe in one to one interaction to very small groups as a way to assist students become the best that they can be. As an ELL teacher with the public school system, I felt that students could use their strengths in other academic areas to gain understanding in English. As a memphis">tutor, I find out what the students' needs are and from there, I feel I have a better sense of how to guide them in their academic success.

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University of Memphis

Bachelors of Arts

Union University



Memphis College of Art


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Arts Tutoring

I recently tutored a home school student for visual arts 1. Subjects taught included drawing, principles of design, painting, and color theory. I have also given advice for portfolio development for three high students; two students received scholarships based on the projects I assigned them. I recently received my MAArtEd from Memphis College of Art.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I taught ESL for four years in the public school system. As part of the ESL curriculum, teachers learn different methods of teaching reading comprehension according to reading levels and language proficiencies.

Spanish I Tutoring

I have privately taught beginning Spanish 1 in the past. The student was able to transfer her knowledge when she attended a Spanish I course the following school year and excel.

Spanish II Tutoring

I have tutored at least four students for Spanish II. One student started out with an F but ended the course with an A-. She was a home school student. The remaining three students were private school students. Two of the private school students have ended their year with B averages.

Study Skills Tutoring

Many students regardless of their grade level are able to understand content. However, the problem is that they do not know the best way to study or they have not found a study style that engages their attention best. I feel this is where I can get to know the student and understanding to see what style fits them best. Students may prefer a study game, drill and kill, or online quizzes. Others may just need help in organization.

AP English Tutoring

Currently, my home school student is enrolled in AP English. Through my experiences with working with her, I have been able to increase her understanding of course content material. Also, I have been able to make her a deeper thinker by teaching her how to make connections with the text.

English Tutoring

I am comfortable in working with all grades for high school English. I have tutored a student for AP English and worked with ESL students on the secondary level. As an ESL teacher, we teach the same concepts of mainstream English courses, but the concepts were modified to meet students where they were in their proficiency levels.

Homework Coach Tutoring

Most of the high school tutoring I have assisted with has been for homework. Students either needed additional supports for certain content areas in Spanish and English. Because parents may not have understood what was needed, I was able to better explain assignments to both students and parents.

Spanish Tutoring

I have tutored Spanish off and on for a total of six years. I do have a Bachelor's in foreign languages with a focus in Spanish. Most of my personal experience with the language has been as an interpreter for workman's comp agencies, H & R Block, and as a teacher in the public school system.

TOEFL Tutoring

While at Union University, I became acquainted with the TOEFL test. I assisted two students with study preparation for the exam. I have used both online and text resources.

Italian Tutoring

I have taken two years of Italian in a university setting. I continue to educate myself through Italian literature and podcasts. I feel that Spanish has helped me to transfer knowledge since there are very small differences and similarities that connect both languages.

ACT English Tutoring

I have worked with a student for ACT Test prep through a tutoring program. I used a curriculum that they program offered which made teaching methods to the student very easy. I feel confident in using online and text methods.

ACT Reading Tutoring

I have worked with a student for ACT Test prep through a tutoring program. I used a curriculum that they program offered which made teaching methods to the student very easy. I feel confident in using online and text methods. I enjoy the reading portion because there are ways in which even teachers could be tricked. I like to help students learn ways to avoid falling for those tricks through various methods.

English Tutoring

For college level students, I am available for remedial and ESL assistance. I have worked with a university ELL and two ESP (English for Specific Purposes) students. I like to meet students where they are and then build them up.

History Tutoring

I look at History as non-fictional text. Tutoring history involves reviewing facts about events, leaders, and comprehending why events took place, laws were enacted, and their impacts. This same principles apply in English non-fictional literature.

Homework Coach Tutoring

High school students need help with organization and focus. I can work with students on all grade levels in helping them find a study strategy or strategies that works best for them. With my high school students, I have taught them and some of the parents ways to which they can help their children study.

Microsoft Publisher Tutoring

I can teach basic and intermediate use of Microsoft Publisher. I have used it to create flyers, banners, and invitations for clients as an Impress Associate with OfficeMax. I still use Publisher and I feel it is one of the simplest publishing programs available.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I can work with secondary level students and adults who are learning to create documents. I have used Microsoft word for over 15 years. As I continue to use Word, there are so many tips I have picked up for creating documents and scholarly papers.

Video Production Tutoring

Available for students in high school and undergraduate programs, I have created video content for YouTube and other formats using Adobe Premiere, Photobooth, PowToon, Windows Media Player, and iMovie. Most of the videos I have created are either educational, artistic, or music related.

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