Fun Facts
One passion people will find out is that I LOVE learning something new! It could range from anything from a new soccer trick to a new instrument or from a new language to find a new way in how to figure out any problem. Any time I have a chance, I will definitely be finding out how to play a new instrument. Especially finding a new beat on the drum set. Hopefully one day, I master computer programming.
About Me
I am a fourth year Electrical Engineer student at California State University, Fresno. I am going to be honest, engineering is hard with all the physics, math, and computer programming that comes with it, but I Love a challenge. I hope to graduate and create a product that could help out the central valley and its water problems. My ultimate goal would be to create a local business that could hire students and give them the experience they need to go on with Engineering.
As volunteering as a teacher for my church for almost 5 years now, I was able to see what children struggle with. I have been able to have the opportunity to sit down with each child and help them find a solution to any problem they encounter. The one thing I love seeing is the result. Knowing how kids learn and understand things is just amazing to me. Thanks to the road I am in to get a Certificate as a teacher assistant and a math minor, knowing that knowledge is power is exciting.
When I was in second grade, I was failing because of the fact that I did not know English very well. I had been raised in Spanish speaking home and since preschool, my elementary had a bilingual program until it was cut my 2nd grade year. But because of the help of an amazing fresno">tutor, I learned how to read and write in English and head on to third grade with everyone else. I remember the day I learned how to write "because". Ms. Lopez wrote "Be - Ca - Use ". I still spell it out like that.
Request Me NowCalifornia State University Fresno
Electrical Engineering
Biology I Tutoring
I took Biology 10, Life Science as General Education requirement and it was so resourceful. I learned how the cells in our bodies are categorized in the ways they respond to intruders and how they attack. I got an A.
Calculus I Tutoring
I took Calculus AB as Junior in high school and then again my freshmen year in College and it was not the easiest thing to learn, but it explains a lot of how the world uses calculus in daily life. From limits to Derivatives, Calculus is fun.
Calculus 2 Tutoring
I heard that Calculus II was the hardest calculus of all, and let me tell you, it was. Since engineering and a math minor require so much math, I have learned to love math. I love finding out how to solve a problem more than two ways.
Chemistry I Tutoring
Chemistry, like biology was a general education requirement, but boy did i learn my elements. Did you know that the light spectrum we see as white, is actually all the colors combined? That was truly fascinating to learn.
College Algebra Tutoring
Algebra, even if its college algebra is still Algebra. I believe (my opinion) Algebra is the core to all math. Thanks to an amazing seventh grade Algebra I teacher, I fell in love with math and need some sort of algebra in life.
English Tutoring
English was difficult for me for a while. When I started high school, my English (reading and writing) improved so much that i started getting Advance on the end of the year test. Thanks for my teachers hard work and dedication, English is my strong suit
Math Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Pre Calculus Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Spanish I Tutoring
I was am Bilingual. I can read, write, speak, and teach Spanish.
Algebra Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Algebra II Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
AP English Tutoring
English was difficult for me for a while. When I started high school, my English (reading and writing) improved so much that i started getting Advance on the end of the year test. Thanks for my teachers hard work and dedication, English is my strong suit
AP History Tutoring
I learned to love American history after I took it with the best teacher in the district. He literally is the best. Helped me pass my AP History test with a 4.
AP Statistics Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Biology Tutoring
I took Biology 10, Life Science as General Education requirement and it was so resourceful. I learned how the cells in our bodies are categorized in the ways they respond to intruders and how they attack. I got an A.
Biology AP Tutoring
I took Biology 10, Life Science as General Education requirement and it was so resourceful. I learned how the cells in our bodies are categorized in the ways they respond to intruders and how they attack. I got an A.
Calculus Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Calculus AP Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Chemistry Tutoring
Chemistry, like biology was a general education requirement, but boy did i learn my elements. Did you know that the light spectrum we see as white, is actually all the colors combined? That was truly fascinating to learn.
Math Advance Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Physics Tutoring
Physics is not easy. But once you learn how vectors and Elasticity work, man is it fun.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
SAT Math Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Statistics Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Trigonometry Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Writing Tutoring
English was difficult for me for a while. When I started high school, my English (reading and writing) improved so much that i started getting Advance on the end of the year test. Thanks for my teachers hard work and dedication, English is my strong suit
History Tutoring
I learned to love American history after I took it with the best teacher in the district. He literally is the best. Helped me pass my AP History test with a 4.
Middle School Math Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Music Theory Tutoring
I love music. Making sure someone else could pick up an instrument and play what is in front of them, is an amazing experience. I have taught guitar, saxophone, piano and bass at my church, and being able to see them learn is just truly amazing.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
English was difficult for me for a while. When I started high school, my English (reading and writing) improved so much that i started getting Advance on the end of the year test. Thanks for my teachers hard work and dedication, English is my strong suit
Science Tutoring
I have taken Biology, Chemistry and Physics in high school and college.
Spanish Tutoring
I was am Bilingual. I can read, write, speak, and teach Spanish.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I love Math! I like to master any kind of math I encounter.
Study Skills Tutoring
Studying for me when I was growing up was hard and since then it has become one of my strong suits. Not only because things progressed in difficulty but also because studying helped me in passing with A's.
Drums Tutoring
I learned the drums at church 5 years ago. I fell in love with them. It is difficult to control both your lower body and upper body differently but with a great teacher, drums could be simple and easy.
General Music Tutoring
When I was in seven, the pianist at my church asked me if i wanted to learn how to play the piano. Since then, I have been learning music. It was all by ear until I learned about music theory in eighth grade.
Guitar Tutoring
My sophomore year in high school, I went to Guatemala. My parents took me to a city called Antigua (Antique in English). The place had so many guitarist playing around the park that I fell in love with sound. When I got home, I started taking lessons and teaching myself. I still can not wait to get home to try a new Melodie.
Piano Tutoring
When I was in seven, the pianist at my church asked me if i wanted to learn how to play the piano. Since then, I have been learning music.
Saxophone Tutoring
In eighth grade, I was put in band accidentally, but to me it became a gift. I was given the option of a saxophone or a flute and of course, I took the saxophone. Till this day, finding out the solos and playing them at home or at church just makes me want to thank the Universe for putting me in band.
Adobe Photoshop Tutoring
I was in Photo I and II in high school and Yearbook also. Photoshop is not easy, but it became an amazing tool to use for me. I now can design a logo or edit a picture and know that it will be professional.
Graphic Design Tutoring
I was in Photo I and II in high school and Yearbook also. Photoshop is not easy, but it became an amazing tool to use for me. I now can design a logo or edit a picture and know that it will be professional.
MATLAB Tutoring
I had to take a course my second year at Fresno state that was all about Matlab. Let me tell you, it seems easy, but it is not. Practice Practice Practice.
Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring
I became a master in Microsoft applications when I got my first computer my 6th grade year. I love to click everything and know how everything works. I use it for many many things.
Microsoft Windows Tutoring
I became a master in Microsoft applications when I got my first computer my 6th grade year. I love to click everything and know how everything works. I use it for many many things.
Microsoft Word Tutoring
I became a master in Microsoft applications when I got my first computer my 6th grade year. I love to click everything and know how everything works. I use it for many many things.
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