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Fun Facts

I'm interested in learning new things and to have social discussions with people.

About Me

I am a recent graduate of maryland/columbia">columbia">maryland/columbia">Columbia Univeersity interested in helping young students with their students. I can recall how challenging it was dealing with standardized tests and doing well in academically challnging courses. I want to be able to do meaningful work again.

I spent a year brooklyn">tutoring and teaching at the MATCH Charter Public School in Boston. There, I tutored small groups of freshman and sophomores in Algebra 1, Biology, English, Algebra 2 and other subjects 3 hours a dafice days a week. I also creatd my own curriculum for a boston-university">Boston University companion seminar for the MATCH seniors.

My approach to brooklyn">tutoring tends to focus on maximizing the social capital of the relationship I have with the student. I also like to focus on understanding where there academic shortcomings lie. I also try to comfort them and make them understand that their difficulties are not crippling, if I find that the student neds this reassurance.

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