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Fun Facts

I am from Lexington, Kentucky. Came to New York City to study psychology and philosophy of education. While in high school I started a poetry competition there that still continues on to this day. I like riding motorcycles with my mother across the country. I enjoy painting, writing, walking/hiking, billiards, archery, and photography as pastimes.

About Me

I am a Psychology and Philosophy Masters student at The New School for Social Research. I am planning to teach high school upon graduating, but ultimately planning to enter monastic life. 3.8 GPA.


Studied in various educational philosophies and some educational science courses. Have assisted teachers in high school and professors in college in teaching various subjects, and have given public talks to groups of high school teachers on holistic education.


Heavily influenced by traditional applications of the Socratic method--leading children to think for themselves via questioning and using their innate ability to reason and to intuit truth as a manner of guiding them towards holistic development of mind, soul, and spirit. I believe that human nature naturally finds truth to be beautiful, and I seek first and foremost to inspire the student with a love of beauty as truth that they may continue by habit to search for it once the master is gone.

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New School

Philosophy & Psychology

New School

Philosophy & Psychology

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English Tutoring

English Lang/Comp (AP) 5/5 with a 9 and 8's on the writing portion
Writing the Essay A
Debate A
Intro Non-Fiction A
Invention of Literature A
Reading Hamlet A

Literature Tutoring

Intro Non-Fiction A
Invention of Literature A
Reading Hamlet A

Philosophy Tutoring

Death in Ancient Greek Thought A
Philosophy 2: Modern A
Hellenistic Philosophy A-
Heidegger,Nihilism,Metaphysics A-
Mysticism A
Aesthetics A
Plato's Republic and the Laws A
Spinoza and Nietzsche A
Queer Theory A
Philosophy 1: Ancient A-
Plato's Republic A

Psychology Tutoring

Why Freud? A
Psychoanalysis of Greek & Roman Mythology A
Culture, Ethnicity, Mental Health A-
Fundamentals in Developmental Psychology A
Art Diagnosis 1 A
Psychoanalysis A
Dream Interpretation A
Clinical Lacan A-
The Basic Works of Freud A-
Fundamentals of Psych A

Religion Tutoring

World Christianity A
Mysticism A

Most of my education in religion has been autodidactic or outside of formal school. That being said I am studied in the writings of Aquinas, Augustine, and several mystics both within and outside of Christianity. I have a good understanding of Church history and the creation of several religious cultures in the west and how this ties into history and philosophical ideas of their time, including Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, and Protestantism.

Writing Tutoring

English Lang/Comp (AP) 5/5 with a 9 and 8's on the writing portion
Intro Non-Fiction A
Invention of Literature A
Writing the Essay A

I am a published author in the Brazenhead Review.

Writing Advance Tutoring

English Lang/Comp (AP) 5/5 with a 9 and 8's on the writing portion
Intro Non-Fiction A
Invention of Literature A
Writing the Essay A

I am a published author in the Brazenhead Review.

AP English Tutoring

English Lang/Comp (AP) 5/5 with a 9 and 8's on the writing portion
Writing the Essay A
Debate A
Intro Non-Fiction A
Invention of Literature A
Reading Hamlet A

AP History Tutoring

Human Geography (AP) 5/5
History of U.S. Education A
Power + Knowledge A
World Christianity A
Utopian Imagination A

Most of my historical training deals particularly with the history of ideas and how philosophies and religious beliefs manifested and unfolded throughout western history.

History Tutoring

Human Geography (AP) 5/5
History of U.S. Education A
Power + Knowledge A
World Christianity A
Utopian Imagination A

Most of my historical training deals particularly with the history of ideas and how philosophies and religious beliefs manifested and unfolded throughout western

Arts Tutoring

AP Art 4
Photography A
Photographic Self-Portrait A

I have had several works displayed in galleries and shops in Kentucky. Most trained in photography but knowledgeable about art history and general technique and composition rules.

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