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Christina C.
Eager French Tutor Waiting for Credentials 
California State University Fresno
High School
Middle School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I've visited 9 European countries during my studies in Lyon , France where I had great experiences and made great memories! I'm also an only child.

J'ai visité neufs pays européens pendant mes études à Lyon en France où j'avais de belles expériences et faisais de belles mémoires. De plus, je suis l'enfant unique.

About Me

I'm currently a senior at Fresno State University majoring in French as a single subject and am preparing to enter into the credential program come Spring 2017. I spent the academic year of 2015-16 in Lyon, France where I studied French of course!

En ce moment, je suis un senior à l'université à Fresno où ma spécialité est le français comme un sujet unique et je prepare d'entrer dans le program de devenir enseignante. Je suis passée un an à Lyon en France et j'étudiais le français bien sûr!


Having a 4.0 in my major coupled with my year abroad experience means I am fully capable to help, tutor and mentor those interested in the French language.

Ayant un 4.0 de moyen points notés avec un an étudiant en France, j'ai la capacité d'aider conseiller et faire mentor aux personnes qui s'intéressent à la langue française.


In French there are many cognates, that is, words that are discernible and closely related if not mutually intelligible in French and English. I would take this approach to immerse students into he French language or as exposure with games such as bingo, Uno and others. I also have a fabulous theory that those students with Hispanic backgrounds will have the upper hand in learning French due to their exposure to both English and Spanish.

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California State University Fresno


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French Tutoring

Spent year in Lyon, France studying French. Excellent grades/marks. Professor recommended.

French I Tutoring

Spent year in Lyon, France studying French. Excellent grades/marks. Professor recommended.

French II Tutoring

Spent year in Lyon, France studying French. Excellent grades/marks. Professor recommended.

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