Fun Facts
At any given moment, you're likely to find me with a book in my hands. I've been a voracious reader since I first learned to decipher the written word, and my appetite for reading and writing has only increased with age. Philosophy, literature, non-fiction, science fiction, fantasy, I'll devour them all; odds are, if you offer to loan me a book, I'll take you up on that offer. In those rare moments when my hands aren't cradling a book, gripping a pen, or poised over a keyboard, they are playing
About Me
I'm currently an MA student in Philosophy at SFSU, and I plan to go on to a PhD program, and eventually to teach Philosophy at the University level. I'm an avid consumer of all things written, both academically and recreationally. Many years of writing have honed my communication skill, written and verbal, and I'd love to utilize this experience to help others find their voice, achieving their potential as students and writers, and more generally as effective communicators.
I am currently a teaching assistant at the undergraduate collegiate level, helping students to grasp the complex and influential philosophical systems of the modern period innovated by such thinkers as Rene Descartes, David Hume, and Immanuel Kant. This coming fall I will be teaching my own course in philosophy focusing on political and social philosophy. Being involved in these college level courses, as well as in my own graduate level seminars, I often find myself helping other students to master difficult material, presenting the material in different ways in an effort to find clarity regarding easily confused material.
My own educational experience has impressed upon me the importance of writing not only in academic pursuits, but in any and all professional endeavors. Effective communication in writing is pivotal to one's future success. I strive to aid students in honing their written voice, and to strengthen the reading-comprehension/california/san-francisco">reading comprehension and study skills that will carry them forward, above and beyond their peers at the university and professional levels. Everyone has their own particular learning process, and I consider it my personal goal to identify the ways in which each student can be made, not just to grasp the materials at hand, but to truly understand them, and as a result to excel.