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Fun Facts

I grew up in Africa. As such I had the privilege of experiencing nature. I was lucky enough to travel through Botswana ( Chobe and the Okavango ), Namibia ( Etosha ), Zimbabwe ( Hwange and the Victoria falls ), Tanzania ( Ngorongoro and the Serengeti ) for example. Not surprisingly I enjoy wilderness areas and observing say the social interactions of fauna. I have continued this passion in the USA, visiting Alaskan wilderness areas ( Wrangell-St Elias etc ), hiking in them, and skiing.

About Me

I have a PhD physics, BSc(hons), BSc( physics/applied mathematics ). My working life has been variously within the nuclear, defense and fundamental research environments. The work varied from development, from the ground up, of novel systems to purely theoretical computational simulation of physical processes. One product of this work are patents I hold. In these environments I tutored/mentored students, both graduate and undergraduate, and in reality others including technicians.


As a graduate student I tutored undergraduates, and at PhD level I have served as an internal supervisor for a students PhD ( mentor/tutor ), and respectively as a mentor for other individuals in their post graduate studies. I additionally tutored a foreign origin physician who was required to pass her physics board exam in the USA. She was successful. More recently we became aware that my nieces daughter ( 12 ) was in trouble with math and at risk of being held back. I helped and she was not.


In school I had a stand in math teacher. He truly knew his subject, being well qualified. Given that, we ( high school kids ) picked up on that, after all he was confident, enthusiastic, and could break concepts down into forms we could understand. That got our attention. I have always tried to emulate the forgoing. Approach? Assess the students needs, both as expressed by the student and as perceived by myself, and then moving to rectify the conceptual/technical difficulties the student has.

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Physics and Applied Mathematics




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Calculus I Tutoring

I had a classical undergraduate academic background. Pure and applied mathematics - which meant calculus every year. In short: Differential and integral calculus, single to multivariate inclusive of all that goes with that ( optimization, ODE's, PDE's, numerical methods and so on ). Calc I is foundational, dealing with essential concepts. I have used these aspects my entire working life and are very familiar with them, and can present them from a number of differing perspectives.

Calculus 2 Tutoring

This is a progressive step up from Calculus I. Here one moves beyond the foundational principles, and builds on them. Typically one would be interested in techniques and applications of integration, sequences and series, convergence, parametric representations and so on. I have literally decades of experience utilizing these very tools, and of tutoring/explaining them to others.

Calculus 3 Tutoring

In Calc III one enters the arena of functions of several variables, and therefore the differential and integral calculus of several variables, plus partial differential equations. Concepts of vectors, vector spaces, n tuples arise. Is a geometric interpretation even necessary? I have decades of experience with these tools, in real world applications, and have satisfactorily conveyed concepts and methods to others.

College Algebra Tutoring

I had a classical high school and undergraduate background, which means pure mathematics, part of which was years of algebra. Algebra is about numbers ( rational, irrational etc ), sets, inequalities, polynomials. You cannot do much without a good understanding of this topic. Given many years of use of this part of mathematics I have little difficulty conveying the concepts to others.

Physics Advance Tutoring

.Topics here are electricity, mechanics, fields, energy etc at an appropriate level for the students concerned. My classical academic background, covered all these topics, plus I utilize these concepts to this day. That said, presentation of these topics to students in a straightforward accessible manner is not difficult. That my PhD is in physics would suggest this to be my bread and butter.

Physics I Tutoring

This is typically an introduction to classical mechanics. The empirical basis of Newtons laws, kinematics, particle dynamics, gravitation, vibrations, rotational dynamics and so on. My classical academic background covered this extensively, and one still uses these concepts to date. So, being well versed and experienced in the topic I have tutored it, and can convey the concepts/details effectively.

Physics II Tutoring

My physics background was classical, and at an undergraduate level incorporated obviously classical mechanics, electromagnetic theory, quantum theory, thermodynamics and so on. Subsequently, through my BSc(hons) to PhD this was built upon. I have worked with these concepts my entire life, and have explained/conveyed them to others more than successfully.

Pre Calculus Tutoring

I had a classical undergraduate academic background. Pure and applied mathematics - which meant calculus every year. In short: Differential and integral calculus, single to multivariate inclusive of all that goes with that ( optimization, ODE's, PDE's, numerical methods and so on ). Pre Calc is foundational, dealing with essential concepts. I have used these aspects my entire working life and are very familiar with them, and can present them from a number of differing perspectives.

Trigonometry Tutoring

Trigonometry, the transcendental functions. They provide another variable, angle, and relate it to Cartesian coordinates/lengths. These are important functions, and are addressed in most calculus courses, but can be dealt with independently. As they are an integral part of mathematics as used, and are part of the everyday life of a practicing researcher, I am quite comfortable with conveying their details to anyone.

Algebra Tutoring

I have a thorough background in mathematics. Can I convey it to high school students? I tutored my nieces daughter ( middle school ) successfully - so I believe yes. Certainly yes in the sense that I have the knowledge of algebra, and yes in the sense that I can relate to them.

Algebra II Tutoring

This is an extension of Algebra I. Can I convey it to high school students? I tutored my nieces daughter ( middle school ) successfully - so I believe yes. Certainly yes in the sense that I have the knowledge of algebra, and yes in the sense that I can relate to them.

AP Physics Tutoring

AP physics 1 & 2, AP physics C are algebra based and early calculus based physics. These are entirely consistent with my background training and years of experience. Since my degrees are in mathematics and physics I have confidence that I would be in a position to assist any student at this level.

Calculus Tutoring

My graduate degree is in maths as well as physics, which is more or less applied mathematics. Introduction to the concepts and methods of calculus is easily conveyed.

Calculus AP Tutoring

My graduate degree is in maths as well as physics, which is more or less applied mathematics. Introduction to the concepts and methods of calculus is easily conveyed.

Geometry Tutoring

Geometry, be it the synthetic technique of the ancient Greek geometers, or analytical geometry ( courtesy of the Rene Descartes ), have always been fundamental topics for me. That said, being well versed in their practice and history I expect no difficulty tutoring any student interested in this area.

Physics Tutoring

Physics in general is entirely consistent with my background training and years of experience. Since my degrees are in mathematics and physics I have confidence that I would be in a position to assist any student at this level

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Pre algebra can be the first high school math course you experience. It can include number theory ( natural numbers, other number types ), arithmetic, properties of operations ( commutative, associative ) and so on. Having a thorough maths background, having tutored younger students, I am well equipped to help out an individual with problems in this area.

Math Tutoring

Anything within the realm of introductory arithmetic, trigonometry, algebra, pre calculus, calculus and geometry is readily conveyed/tutored in a transparent manner.

Math Advance Tutoring

I had a classical undergraduate academic background. Pure and applied mathematics - which meant calculus every year. In short: Differential and integral calculus, single to multivariate inclusive of all that goes with that ( optimization, ODE's, PDE's, numerical methods and so on ). Advance math is foundational, dealing with essential concepts in algebra, trigonometry and calculus.. I have used these aspects my entire working life and are very familiar with them, and can present them from a number of differing perspectives.

Middle School Math Tutoring

I have a thorough background in mathematics. Can I convey it to younger children at their level? I tutored my nieces daughter ( middle school ) successfully - so I believe yes. Yes in the sense that I have the knowledge, and yes in the sense that I can relate to them. In the case of younger children I would try to make the experience as comfortable, non alarming, as possible

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