Fun Facts
I am the proud grandmother of a delightful 2 year old granddaughter. I am so enjoying seeing so many things through her eyes! It is so true that grandparents and grandchildren have a very special bond.
About Me
I am a high school Social Studies teacher. I have taught every subject in my department, and at all levels. I have a daughter (grown now) who has severe learning disabilities, this has provided me with an inside view of the needs of education/maryland/baltimore">special education children. I see children from the school perspective, and the home perspective, this has enabled me to become a much better teacher.
My experience is that I have been teaching for 27 years at the high school level. I have had the opportunity to teach many diverse students with a very wide range of needs.
I very strongly feel that we can all learn, it is an experience that is as unique as we are. I feel that it is important to get to know your student and evaluate their individual needs. I do not think there is only one way to approach a students learning needs, what is critical, is that you evaluate, get information from their teachers and parents, and most importantly talk with the student.
Request Me NowUniversity of Maryland
Government and Politics
University of Maryland
Secondary Social Studies (for certification)