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Fun Facts

I used to be able to dunk. I still love sports but I'm not as athletic as I used to be.

I have a twin brother at the University of Notre Dame.

I love eating. Sushi and hotdogs are my favorite but put basically anything in front of me and it will dissapear into my stomach.

I am an Eagle Scout. I helped to start my own troop, Troop 413, in Torrance, CA.

About Me

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA.

I am 18, almost 19 and living on my own in Atlanta as I attend school at Emory University.

I am currently studying neuroscience and hope to make it to medical school. I'm currently doing research in a lab.

Ivy League School (Torrance, CA): taught high school chemistry to a class of about 15 students over the summer. Helped English Second Language students improve their reading, writing, and comprehension skills.

Personal atlanta">tutoring: In high school, tutored middle school and younger high school students in pre-algebra, geometry, and some history courses.

Target areas in where the student is not understanding and see how the concept can be explained and understood by the student.

Create my own practice problems that test whether or not the student learned what he or she was doign incorrectly the first time..

Each week, do a quick review to check mastery of the subject.

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