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Fun Facts

I love math and physics more than a normal college female should.

I have a 4 month old kitten named Maj, which is is a Scandinavian name meaning pearl. I named him after a pearl because I love the idea of how something as beautiful as a pearl came from the injury of the oyster. Every injury/hard time in life is needed in order to create something beautiful in the end. He reminds me of that daily.

I am from St. Louis, Missouri

I love lima beans, Dominos pan pizza, Dr. Pepper, and anything can

About Me

I am currently in my last semester at TCU. I am a double Astrophysics and Mathematics major. I am studying German as a modern language and am currently in what is equivalent to the 5th college semester of German. I came to TCU as a double Theatre and Astrophysics major and I still have a passion for Arts.

I enjoy learning and love tutoring because it gives me the ability to help instill a passion for learning in others. I also love math and science and hope to have a job in STEM outreach in the future.

I have tutoring for the Athletic Department at Texas Christian University in Pre-Algebra, Geology, Astronomy, Theatre, and more.

I have also tutored for the Physics Department at Texas Christian University covering Physics 1, 2 and Astronomy classes.

On the side I have tutored High School Geometry and other math courses as needed.

Throughout High School I tutored elementary school for the A+ Tutoring program in St. Louis, Missouri

I feel that tutoring is a supplement to in-class learning. I focus on helping the student understand what they have learned, are trying to learn, or trying to accomplish rather than just "get-the-answer-correct". I feel tutoring is a way to help student clarify what they have learned in school, attack more difficult problems or concepts which may not be covered completely in class, and work one-on-one or in small groups to grasp topics.

When tutoring, my goal is to get students to gain an understanding. I will try different approaches with each students depending on their type of learning, as well as the topic they are getting tutored in. I believed in application and determination.

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