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I am a firm believer that every student has the ability to learn. My goal in any educational setting is to present the assignment in a fun and applicable way. I do this by incorporating unique and exciting ideas that fit the student's learning style. It is important to me that the student not only comprehends the concepts of the assignment, but that he/she is equipped with the knowledge, confidence and proper skills to ultimately complete tasks independently. As well as have a blast doing it.

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Southwestern Assemblies of God University

English Language Arts & Reading

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Reading Comprehension Tutoring

I facilitated a Dyslexia program with Fort Worth ISD and received extensive training through Texas Scottish Rites Hospital - Dallas. I worked with grades 2nd through 5th in a small group setting. Each grade level had an allotted time for instruction, usually during the hour of their scheduled ELA instruction. I helped students with connecting letters and sounds(phonics), word recognition(sight words), clarifying comprehension of text and to ultimately read fluently. I also worked closely with each group's ELA teacher to collaborate on weekly goals for each student.

I also prepared my students, in partnership with their ELA teacher, for STAAR - reading and writing

Grade levels in this area: elementary, middle, high and college

English Tutoring

In 2014, I was an assistant and AVID tutor for the 10th grade English department. I also sponsored the UIL editorial and headline writing competition that year.

Grade levels: elementary, middle and high school

GED Tutoring

I worked in Adult Education for six months with Fort Worth ISD. This program serves adults seeking to obtain their high school diploma equivalent. I assisted with instruction in areas of science, English and writing. ESL experience.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have assisted with study skills for middle and high school students. I teach the importance of being neat and orderly, how it is a vital key to success in anything they do. I demonstrate effective techniques for completing assignments, prepping for tests and writing research articles.

Writing Tutoring

I have interned and published an article with Fort Worth, Texas magazine.

Ready, Set, GRO!:

I write both professionally and recreationally. I also develop content for blogs.

Writing Advance Tutoring

I took Advanced Placement English I, II, III. I use writing when tutoring. As well as for completing research papers, essays, articles for coursework. A's for grades.

Homework Coach Tutoring

After school tutor for my students
Private tutoring
Homeschool assistance

Social Studies Tutoring

I obtained experience with teaching this subject through substitute teaching. Elementary and middle school levels

I have also gained experience as a summer instructor for Bob Jones Nature Center in areas of Science, Rock chemistry, animals and habitats, and geography.

College For Kids: Photoshop, Science, and AutoCAD

AP English Tutoring

I've completed AP English courses and have in depth experience in this particular area. My major is English Language Arts - secondary level.

Grade levels: elementary, middle, high and college

Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring

I have used this program for many of my own college presentations. It is also a program I have required high school students to use for speeches and presentations. Prezi is a great program as well. I have assisted clients in the navigation of this program for years.

Microsoft Word Tutoring

I include Microsoft Word when planning classroom activities to build skills such as composition writing for my students, or editing photos and drawing objects that fit into theme of lesson. The use of this program also helps students become acclimated to typing papers and exploring the program for future higher level assignments.

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