Fun Facts
Music and Drama are two of my biggest passions. I play the violin and guitar. I've been in many plays and musicals in school and throughout the Salt Lake Valley. My goal is to integrate the arts into my lesson plans and tutoring to make learning more meaningful and fun.
About Me
I'm currently an elementary teacher. I know the curricula, testing info, and how to help struggling students.
Teaching 3+ years elementary
As a up and coming elementary teacher, I understand that each student learns differently. My approach to tutoring is to work with each student based on their learning styles and needs. I plan on integrating the arts and real world aspects to make learning more meaningfulfully, hands-on, and creative.
Request Me NowUniversity of Utah
Elementary Education
Arts Tutoring
Throughout my education elementary through high school I've taken music, drama, and art classes. I've gotten A's in all of these classes. The arts are a passion of mine.
Biology Tutoring
I got an A in my high school biology class. I know what content is most important to study and understand. This will help students do well on assignments and tests.
English Tutoring
I've gotten a B or higher in all of my English classes in middle and high school. The books and written work that students read and work with can be challenging. I plan to help students write A papers, understand and practice literary concepts, and how to read texts effectively.
Geometry Tutoring
I got an A in my high school geometry class. I understand and can teach the concepts in a variety of ways. This will help students gain better understanding and do better on assignments and tests.
History Tutoring
I got a B or higher in all of my history classes in middle and high school. I can teach students how to study and learn content effectively. My tutoring methods help students understand how past events affect them today and why they'really important.
Homework Coach Tutoring
Homework at the high school level can be tough and time consuming. Students need encouragement and help while they complete their homework. I will also check their homework for correct and incorrect answers so that I can help them work on concepts they're struggling with.
Math Tutoring
I've taken and got a B or better in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, and concurrent college math 1010 and 1050. I can teach students multiple strategies to understand and solve math problems. My tutoring methods will make math more interesting and fun.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I've taken and got a B or better in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1 and 2, Geometry, and concurrent college math 1010 and 1050. I can teach students multiple strategies to understand and solve math problems. My tutoring methods will make math more interesting and fun.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
I have excellent reading comprhension skills and i know how to teach these skills effectively. High school level texts can be difficult to understand and work with. I will tutor students to help them understand what they're reading, why it's important, and how it applies to real world sutuations.
Science Tutoring
I've earned a B or better in Biology, Chemistry, and Honors Physics. I know what content is most important to study and understand. This will help students do well on assignments and tests.
Study Skills Tutoring
I understand and know how to best teach students effective study skills. I take the concepts they're learning, their homework, quizzes, and tests to help them practice and master the material so that they can be successful on tests, quizzes, amd making connections to same and other subject material aND real world situations.
Writing Tutoring
I have excellent writing skills. I understand and know how to teach effective writing skills. I can work with students to get their writing to be more meaningful and go deeper with the content that they're writing about. I also can teach proofreading and revising skills.
Algebra Tutoring
I've earned A's in all of my middle school math classes. At the middle school level math startskills to get more complicated. I can teach students multiple strategies to solve problems and understand the content. Students need encouragement and guidance while they do math homework. I can help them practice and master concepts so that they can succeed on tests.
Middle School Math Tutoring
I've earned A's in all of my middle school math classes. At the middle school level math startskills to get more complicated. I can teach students multiple strategies to solve problems and understand the content. Students need encouragement and guidance while they do math homework. I can help them practice and master concepts so that they can succeed on tests.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I succeeded in math throughout elementary school. I understand and know the Core Standards that are taught so I can to tori students effectively based on what they're being taught. Elementary math is the foundation and I will help students build a solid math foundation so that they will be able to succeed in math after elementary school.
Religion Tutoring
I went to a private religiosity school K-8th grade. I understand and know what students are expected to learn and master when it comes to religion. I can help students memorize and understand parts of the bible.
Social Studies Tutoring
At the Elementary level social studies is all about the students, their families, and their communities. 4th grade covers Utah history and 5the and 6the grades dicuss world history. I understand and know the Core standards so that I can tutor effectively and make social studies more interactive and fun.
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