Fun Facts
An interesting fact about me is that I was perceived by many to have a wide range persona based on my school activities. In college, I was a student-athlete who also studied computer engineering. I knew this was unorthodox because I was the only student in the department who was an athlete. Also, I like creating and dancing to music while making others laugh. I hope to impact many lives in the future with my traits and experiences.
About Me
I am a recent graduate of Long Island University Post with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Information Management and Technology. I've been on the Dean's List for three semesters while also acquiring a solid 3.5 GPA. On the field, I received the NE10 Athletic Academic Commissioner Honor Roll Award seven times. Through my experiences and future positions, I look forward to bettering my knowledge to a point where I can start my own Systems Design Business.
There have been many times where I had a duty to guide or tutor others. At my former college, I was an Executive board member of the campus club "Men Inspiring Others". I had a responsibility of delegating members about how we will spread our word throughout the campus. In addition, I was a mentor and tutor at my former elementary school. I got to tutor the school's brightest kids along with the others in need of help. It was never a dull moment as they used to call me "Homie, The Homework Man"!
Throughout my educational career, I always shied away from tutoring because I was confident in my own study skills to succeed in the class. This is until I encountered my first computer programming course in college. If it weren't for tutoring, I wouldn't be here with my Bachelors Degree today. It took a lot of patience and persistence to pass that course. Thus, that's the kind of approach that I will bring when tutoring. Patience to take the steps and develop, and persistence to pass!
Request Me NowLong Island University - Post
Information Management and Technology
Arts Tutoring
Took four art courses in college. Ranging from sculpture to simple drawing. Including art in a historical context setting.
Computer Engineering Tutoring
Graduated with a degree in Information Mangement and Technology. Familiar with VBA and C#. Know Network Administration protocols. Still learning about this field through work experience.
Computer Science Tutoring
Same as computer engineering. Still learning other programming languages like Java and PHP. Though familiar with HTML and all other parameters of it.
Nutrition Tutoring
Former athlete and personal trainer who always emphasized the importance of nutrition to others. Also, a current transitioning vegan.
Study Skills Tutoring
Looking to give an emphasis on working smarter and efficient, instead of harder and tiresome.
AP History Tutoring
History was always my best and favorite subject no matter what level of education. Finished at the top of my class with my history grades. I can breakdown for you in the time of Mesopotamian Empire to the content of WWII.
Computer Science Tutoring
With my degree and other knowledge and experiences, I would be delighted to tutor someone on the content of this course.
Geography Tutoring
Let me just say as the winner of a contest had you remember the 50 states and capitals, I am confident that I can help you with this topic.
History Tutoring
With History as my best and favorite subject, I would be more than delighted providing assistance with this.
Homework Coach Tutoring
Homie, The Homework Man at your service! I feel that its best to make homework as fun as possible instead of a daunting task.
Math Tutoring
Algebra, geometry, pemdas, etc, any kind of math along those lines or so, I'll be able to bring you up to an A!
Writing Tutoring
I'm not a Maya Angelou or so but I can assure you, my proofreading and writing skills will have soon have your essays published.
Writing Advance Tutoring
Same as the writing subject. Also with the amount of college papers I have written I'm sure that I'll get you where you need to be in writing.
Algebra Tutoring
In middle school, I always finished at the top quarter of my class in math scores, I am positive I will be able to get you there also.
Middle School Math Tutoring
No matter what math is thrown at us on this level, we shall overcome! Ranging from simple order of operations to percentile transfers.
Science Tutoring
My science project made it to the science fair twice during middle school and finished second place at the one fair I didn't even attend. I have a special place for science in my heart especially with my studies in college. I can assure you that we'll have no problem passing this subject.
English Tutoring
From the Roald Dahl books to the Edgar Allen Poe's, any help that I can provide on your writing, proofreading, comprehension, etc. I'll be more than willing to help.
Elementary Math Tutoring
What helped me with math in elementary school playing chess on the chess team. I became accustomed to probability very well because of this game and the probability of me helping you succeed with my tutoring is very high!.
Social Studies Tutoring
I can remember signing songs in elementary school that my social studies teacher taught to help us remember the content. I'm not saying I'll help you make the next social studies hit, but you'll sure become better at the subject with my help.
GED Tutoring
Graduating high school and college, I believe that I am more than qualified to provide you the assistance with getting your GED.
Regents Tutoring
Trust me, I wasn't a fan of going to school just for a test too. But I have some great study and test day tips that I'm sure will make you pass all of your regents.
General Music Tutoring
From a person who loves, creates and dances to music, my passion would be grateful for any kind of help that you need with this subject.
Music Theory Tutoring
I got an A+ in this class in college. I'll be sure that I can get you the same grade too.
HTML Tutoring
Just recently learned this language a few years for my focus on web development. Can't wait to help with this prolific language!
Macintosh Tutoring
I know probably a little too much about Apple products since I had to get certified for my Staples Tech job.
Microsoft Excel Tutoring
I have to use this program all the time for my technology classes, more than willing to help.
Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring
Not only I can help you with this program, I can teach you on how to present with it too!
Microsoft Windows Tutoring
I can give more than enough assistance on a system that I have to work with every day.
Microsoft Word Tutoring
I'll make your papers look like more than just an essay, but show you some cool stuff to make it pop.
Networking Tutoring
This practically what I received my degree in, I can go on all day about the content of this subject. More than willing to help!
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