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Fun Facts

I'm the oldest of two siblings and a proud shihtzu puppy owner. My current Netflix addiction is Grey's Anatomy. I love trying new foods.

About Me

I'm a junior Accounting major at Montclair State University. My expected graduation date is December 2018 and I hope to complete my Masters Degree soon after. My ultimate goal is to become a Certified Public Accountant.
At Montclair State University, I am part of the Honors Program and a member of the Accounting Society.


I currently work as an Accounting Assistant at Lincoln 1st Bank in Montville, NJ. Previous to this I was a Youth Development Professional at the Boys and Girls Club of Clifton, NJ. During my time there I assisted student in homework help and tutoring.


As a tutor, I plan to help students first through positive encouragement to instill in them the fact that they are intelligent and smart enough to understand the material that is in front of them. I would also try to figure out what teaching method works best for the child and what kind of learner they are. I believe that teaching and tutoring is less about me and my teaching style and more about the student and what works best for them.

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Montclair State University


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Geometry Tutoring

Received an A in high school Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Also tutored my brother in these subjects as he went through them in high school.

Algebra Tutoring

Received an A in high school Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Also tutored my brother in these subjects as he went through them in high school.

Business Tutoring

Went to Passaic County Technical Institute and was enrolled as a student in the School of Business for all 4 high school years. Currently as a junior at MSU, I have taken extensive business courses.

Economics Tutoring

Received a B+ in both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics at MSU. Also tutored a student who took those courses at Bergen Community College and she received an A.

Algebra II Tutoring

Received an A in high school Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Also tutored my brother in these subjects as he went through them in high school.

Accounting Tutoring

Have taken up to level 300 accounting courses during my time at MSU.

History Tutoring

Received an A in American History 101 and 102 from a Syracuse University course offered during my senior year of high school

Macro Economics Tutoring

Received a B+ in both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics at MSU. Also tutored a student who took those courses at Bergen Community College and she received an A.

Math Tutoring

Received an A in high school Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Also tutored my brother in these subjects as he went through them in high school.

Micro-Economics Tutoring

Received a B+ in both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics at MSU. Also tutored a student who took those courses at Bergen Community College and she received an A.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Received an A in high school Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry. Also tutored my brother in these subjects as he went through them in high school.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

As a college student I have had to read several books and textbooks to teach myself course material.

Science Tutoring

Received an A in Physical Science, Biology, and Physics in high school.

Spanish I Tutoring

Received a 5 on Spanish Language AP test.

Spanish II Tutoring

Received a 5 on Spanish Language AP test.

Spanish III Tutoring

Received a 5 on Spanish Language AP test.

Writing Tutoring

As a college junior, I have taken College Writing 101 and 102 as well as honors English classes throughout high school.

Writing Advance Tutoring

As a college junior, I have taken College Writing 101 and 102 as well as honors English classes throughout high school.

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