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Fun Facts

Growing up in a military family, I have traveled all over the United States. Some of the places I have lived are Alaska, Louisiana, California, Germany, and Texas.

Ever since I can remember I have always enjoyed learning about the ways things work. I'd jump at any chance to take something apart so I could see what makes it tick. Following my curiosity lead me to join the military where I could explore my love of aircraft. There is nothing like standing on the airfield and watching a helicopter

About Me

I've worn many hats in my 15 year aviation maintenance career. Starting out as an Aircraft Electrician in the Army, then becoming an Avionics Mechanic contractor, and finally working as an Aircraft Inspector.

In July of 2013 I graduated from Everglades University in Boca Raton, FL with a Bachelor of Science degree in Aviation Management with a GPA of 3.67.


While I was going to school for my degree I was employed as a contractor where I advised, trained, and mentored military service members with aviation electrical and mechanical systems. I was awarded four certificates of appreciation over a two year period for my ability to teach the math and science as it relates to aviation.


I've always been a good student and I understand that it's how the subjects are taught. Everyone thinks differently. For some students it's study skills, for others it’s how the material is presented. The first thing I do is listen. Doing this helps me determine how they learn and the area they need help with. After that it's my job to communicate the subject on their terms.

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Everglades University

Aviation Management

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GED Tutoring

I am well versed helping students pass the necessary requirements for the GED, especially the math and science sections.

Study Skills Tutoring

Study skills can be summed into two simple terms: time management, organization, and setting realistic goals. If you understand the amount of time you need, and the reality of how you study versus how much time you can study, you can overcome any challenge that stands in your way.

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