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Jia L.
Verified Tutor near Chicago, IL 
High School
Middle School
Elementary School
Language Lessons

Fun Facts

Travelling: traveled a lot of countries and made a lot of friends with different culture backgrounds
Music: learning Ukulele
Sports: play tennis and badminton

About Me

I'm Jia Lu, and you can call me Emma Lu as well from Macau, a small place near Hong Kong. I graduated from Loyola chicago">University of Chicago in Master of Accounting. Now I am a home stay mom with a three years old boy.

I teach my son math and reading at home using English and Chinese as he is in a bilingual environment.


I was a chicago">tutor for two 14 years girls when I studied in University of Macau.Once I helped those two girls check their homework, and help them to solve the problems. I would like to prepare some questions and lectures for them before they took the exam in school.

As a child, I struggled in school and found learning to be difficult and demoralizing. In middle school, I was fortunate enough to have a teacher who, through positive encouragement and persistency, helped me realize my true potential.

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Loyola University Chicago

Master in accountancy

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